Chapter Fifty-Two: Hello.

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Dedicated to xo_juleen for the cover at the top! Thank you💜💜

Zayn's top knot makes me happy while I stress over English.

Chapter Fifty-Two: "Hello."

"I'M SURPRISED SHE let you out of the house." Wesley mumbled to me, glancing over at where my mom was laughing with my aunt.

Michelle was on her phone, slouched in her chair as her little brother was seated beside Wesley in the restaurant, playing with the toy he was given from one of the meals.

"I know." I agreed, handing Wesley my fries and shoving my hands in my pockets. Looking out the window, the rain coming down in the month of April definitely signified how I was feeling at the moment.

"And you're still phoneless?" Michelle asked, her eyes still on her own phone.


Wesley leaned in closer to me, glancing around like someone could easily eavesdrop on our conversation even though he was speaking so lowly. "So, Joseph Cahill likes you?"

"That is what he implied." I said with hand gestures.

Wesley still looked confused and he held up a French fry. "Okay let me just wrap my head around this, alright?"

I leaned back. "Okay."

He shook the French fry in his hand. "Okay, this long skinny French fry is you."

I glanced at Michelle who had finally stopped texting her boyfriend and stared at Wesley equally confused as I was. "Okay?"

Wesley took another French fry. "And this is Lucas right here, okay?" He started mushing the French fries together and I stared at him completely weirded out by now.

"Um...what are you doing?" Michelle asked.

"This is Lucas and Sydney kissing duh." Wesley as he stopped his movements to explain then continued.

Michelle glanced at me. "And you actually questioned whether I would date him one day?"

"I take it back." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

Wesley bit his lip in thought before nodding to himself. "Okay, and then you something like this happened," He turned to my younger cousin. "Hey, little man catch."

He caught the French fry and began eating it. Wesley gestured towards him. "Let's pretend that he was your mom and you were the French fry in this scenario. That is what happened right?"

I blinked. "To a certain extent kind of." Not really.

"So bypassing a bunch of stuff with Lucas who is kind of, maybe sort of, not mad at you, Joey said that he would do something about this?"

"Yes. That is what I kind of, maybe, sort of said that Joey would do."

"Well damn. Looks like I'm properly caught up," Wesley leaned forward again. "Can I ask a question?"

"When do you ever ask me if you want to ask a question?"

"That is true," Wesley shrugged. "But why did you have to hear the cause of the fight from Joey?"

"I, uh, I don't know."

"Was there a chance Lucas actually thought you would like Joey back if he told you what the fight was about?" Michelle asked.

"No. Joey's a dick. He's a tolerable dick but a dick nonetheless and according to my friend Hailey on the dance team they're kind of talking." It was kind of ironic that when Joey had walked down the hallway out of my sight that afternoon Hailey had come over to me to talk about him.

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