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"What do you mean you haven't spoken to her in almost a month!" My father roared. He didn't even let me explain anything before yelling.

"Dad it's not that big of a deal-"

"Not a big deal," he scoffs and crosses his arms. "She could have fallen in love with someone and ruin the plan!"

I roll my eyes. "Nobody falls in love in a month."

"We did," a small voice says sweetly. I turn to see my mother. "Or maybe it was the first week."

"You fell at that time my dear not me." I watch a frown appears on my mothers face.

"Just kidding love." My father steps from his seat and pulls my mother into an embrace. She smiles a little but I could tell she was hurt from his little joke.

Maybe that wasn't a joke. We are heartless creatures. My mother was human before so she still has some feelings. I would say my father needs to be more sensitive but that's impossible.

A few seconds later he released her and sat back down. She hug me goodbye and left the room.

"You know your jokes hurt her right," he sighs. "Don't forget she was human once."

"I'm full demon my boy," he shrugs his shoulders. "It's a little hard for me to taking in feelings. You should know that since you're a demon as well."

"Of course but it's my mother and your wife so it's-"

"We are not here to discuss this," he crosses his arms over his chest. "We are here to discuss your dumb decision to let that girl be alone."

"It wasn't dumb I knew what I was doing."

"Then explain it to me."

"She constantly thinks about me," I smirk to myself. "I can feel it slowly driving her crazy. I would say she misses me." He must have liked that answer.

"I see," he thinks for a moment. "Well then good job but you need to get closer." I look at him confused.

"But I've already actually been at the school."

"Closer than that," he reaches forward and grabs a box that had been siting in the middle of his desk. He opens it to reveal a bracelet."We are made to fool people."

"What does that have to do with the bracelet?"

"This allows us to fool angels. It turns your wings white and keeps your eyes from turning red. Don't take it off."

I take it from his hand and place it on my wrist. "Why do I need this?"

He lets out a low chuckle. "You my son are going to school."

"You mean that angel school?" He nods in response.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I question and he looks at me unimpressed.

"No, it's going to help you a ton. She'll be right there where she can see you. Have you already forgotten your goal?" He growls the last part at me.

"No father. How could I ever forget something that important to me." I smirk and show interest just like he wanted. He smiles at me and nods.

"I want you to hurry and pack your things. We will be dropping you off later tonight. I have arranged for you to have your own room." I internally sigh.

"Okay, I'll be done packing hours before it's time to go."

"You may not be happy about this," father stands up and comes next to me. "But soon it will be you sitting in that chair giving all the orders. You'll be my king then." Oh I can't wait for that day. I'll no longer have to listen to him. He'll have to listen to me.

We mutter quick goodbyes before I'm out the door and into the long hallways. The journey to my room takes forever even by flying. Once I'm in power I'll make sure to move my room closer to the office.

I finally make it to my room. I come into the doorway and freeze when I see a girl sitting on my bed. She looks up at me with her bright purple eyes. Anger fills inside of me at the sight of her.

"What are you doing in my room. Leave." I growl at her. She pouts her lips and lays back.

"I missed you J." I roll my eyes at her words.

"Well I don't miss you. You've caused me too much trouble. Grace." Huh Grace. Funny name for a demon right?

I've known her for years. When I was old enough to go out and find humans to turn I ran into her. I was so ready to turn her but she begged me to let her live. She didn't want to be dragged down here. I was just a child then so I let her pass. Only to find out a month later she begged another demon to take her. I got in so much trouble for saving her ass that day only for her to go around and do what I saved her from...Bitch.

"Now now, we don't need to call anyone names. Did you forget I could read minds?" She lightly tugs on her silver hair. What a weird color for a demon.

"Didn't forget. If you want I can say it out loud. Bitch." She growls at me and stands up.

"Wow, how could you be rude to an old friend?"

"We were never friends now leave." She smiles at me.

"Fine," she comes up to me and pecks my cheek. I cringe in disgust. "Try to have fun with out me." She winks before leaving. I quickly shut and lock the door behind her.

"Bitch." I mutter before pulling out 3 suitcases and opening my closet. Slowly one by one I throw in random pieces of clothes. Not bothering to fold them or to make sure I actually made it in the case.

I hated the idea of staying at that academy. If only I didn't need it to succeed in my plan. It held what I needed. It had the last thing I needed before gaining all the power. It held her.

"I'll see you soon Luna."

The Angel Academy:Lunar AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now