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"Luna, it's time to get up!" A loud voice calls me out of my sleep. I quickly sit up and look around. I rapidly open and shit my eyes as I try to get used to the light. I find Saige sitting at the end of my bed eating a bowl of cereal.

"You are going to make a mess on my bed." I lightly pull my blanket out form under here. She stands up slowly but stays at the end of my bed.

"Good morning sleeping angel,"she cooed. I cringe as she starts singing. Her voice definitely wasn't heavenly.

"What time is it," I ask as I crawl out from under my blankets. I shiver at the loss of warmth. "It's six. Class starts at seven," Saige answers.

"Don't you think that's a little early for class to start?"

She shrugs. "It's not our choice. Besides, you get used to it after a while."

"Now, you better hurry. You've already lost." she looks at the clock. "Three minutes." I groan in annoyance and head into the bathroom to get ready.

"Hey, can you slow down?" I yell to Saige. She was walking really fast. I try to grab a hold of her white leather jacket but she was too far ahead. She stops abruptly and turns to me.

"Can I see your schedule?" She puts her hand out. I reach into my jean pocket and pull out my folded schedule. I unfold it and pass it to her. She takes it into her hands and scans over it.

"We have Background and training together." She folds the paper back up and hands it to me. "Now hurry, we are going to be late."

We walked to a room that was at the end of an extremely long hallway. After walking so long I was exhausted. Great, the day hasn't even fully started and I was ready for a nap. Oh well, I'll probably sleep in class.

Saige and I made our way to the back of the room. As we walked I could feel everyone's stare burning into me. I shivered uncomfortably. Do I look weird or
something? I mean I was wearing mostly grey and not white like everyone else.

"No, they just aren't used to seeing anyone new. We don't get many new angels. Now sit." Saige says and points to an open desk next to her.

"Did I say that out loud?" I could have sworn I was just thinking about it.

"I can read minds." She says like its no big deal. At first I thought she was crazy but then I remembered this is a school for angels. It's still hard to get used to.

"Good morning angels." I pulled my attention to the front of the room. A tall lady stood in front of the class. She looked way to young to be a teacher. She had fiery red hair and grey eyes.

"Before we start the lesson-which is about reapers- I would like to introduce a new student. Luna, please come to the front." My stomach dropped and I swear I thought I was going to puke. I don't want to go up there! I'm not exactly a shy person but I hate being stared at.

"Luna go. Everyone is staring." Saige whispers and then looks down at her desk. I let out a small whimper and slowly get up from my seat. I trudged slowly up to the front. "Please introduce yourself to the class. Just say your name and what type you are." The teacher smiles.

I look over the room. Everyone was staring at me. I couldn't tell if they were judging me or just looked amused. Being the new kid sucks.

"Uh, hi I'm Luna." Good start Luna."I don't know what type I am." Right after I finished speaking the whole class gasps. I snapped my head to the teacher, begging for help though my eyes. Did I say something wrong?

"Well, later this month we will be covering a lesson about that. You will know soon." She nods really fast.

"You may sit." I nod and basically run back to my desk. Folding my arms on my desk and burying my face into them.

The Angel Academy:Lunar AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now