Who are You?

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Sketch POV

I'm driving in the car when Alex mentions a sharp turn coming up and I knew I can make it......I was wrong......the car started rolling down the ledge and all of were screaming but y/n was screaming for a second then she blacked out.when the car stop had to check on everyone

"Is everyone ok?"I asked worried 

"We're fine just some cuts and bruises but y/n doesn't look well at all" Denis said scared

I check her breathing ..its weak but she is breathing at least


Denis stood up and got out of the car and started to call while I was comforting y/n

"Y/N you can't die on us....I love you too much to let you die it's my fault your on the verge of dying but please hang in there"

Denis walks over to us with the paramedics and they take y/n away but we couldn't go with her due to no space

"Guys we gotta go find a cab,bus or something  we need to see y/n at the hospital" I said on the edge of tears

They all nod in agreement and we run down the road

Corl POV

We're all running down the road and we finally reach the hospital

"Let's go" sketch said 

We all took a deep breath and walked in to the receptionist

"Uh where is y/n (your last name)? I asked 

" are u family cause if not you can't see her" the nurse questioned

"Uh...were her best friends like her brothers just please" sketch begged

"Fine room 518" the nurse said

We all rundown the hall looking at the door numbers 

"515,516,517,518 LETS GO" sketch said 

We walk into the room and rush over to y/n but sketch hugs her 

Just then a nurse walks in 

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Just then a nurse walks in 

"Nurse what's wrong with her"

"Well she was just knocked out very badly we can't determine more till she wakes up" the nurse said 

All of the sudden y/n starts seizing 

"gentlemen you need to step out and let us do what we need to do" the nurse said while yelling for backup

We all walk out of the room with sketch crying and we look back and we see them help y/n

~time skip to after that thing XD~

"I think I'm gonna get back to the house to get some rest"

"I think I will come with you Corl" Denis said as Alex nodded in agreement

"Sketch you coming?" I questined 

"No I'm staying here with y/n"

"Really sketch you should come back" Denis said 


"Ok dude bye" Alex said 

~time skip to morning ~

Sketch POV

I get up to go get some coffee and as I'm walking past I see nurses in y/n's room and rush in there. I started pushing past nurses and see that y/n is awake


"Sir,please get out for a moment" a nurse said 

I started walking out of the room and called Denis 

~in conversation~


Denis-What's going on sketch 


Denis- ok I will be there soon with the rest but---

~end of call~

I'm sitting waiting room and see the gang all walk in


They all reach me and we head to the room


I'm sitting in my room by myself on my phone and some boys walk in 

"Y/N I can't believe it's you awake" a boy in a blue shirt  said

I was about to speak until another boy started talking 

"I CANT BELIVE IT" a boy with a red shirt on yelled 

"Omg y/n how's it going" and man with glasses on said

Ok now I can finally talk

"Ummm who are you all?" 

"Wait what" They all said in unison

A nurse walks in and gives me some food and takes them out into the hallway 

Alex POV

"Nurse what's wrong with her she is really  out if it" 

"She has amnesia which was caused by the major concussion she had" the nurse  said

"Just remind her of fimillar objects and don't pressure her" another nurse said

"Can we take her home" I questioned 

"Yes you may" the nurse said

~time skip to in the car~


I was brought into the car by the four boys that were in my room earlier 

"What's my name?" I questioned 

"Your name is y/n" the boy with blonde hair said

"That's a nice name" I said as I laid my head on the boy with the blue shirt's shoulder 

"How old am I?" I questioned again 

"Your 18" the boy with blue shirt said as he was stroking my hair 

Then all remember of seeing is a boy with a green shirt

A/N super long chapter....ok so I have nothing else to say so by loves💕

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