Valentines Day

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A/N-I'm sitting in my garage doesn't  this to sneak in a v-day chapter so sorry if it's short

Sketch POV
After y/n and I were introduced to the two new girls we all sat on he couch to talk and watch/continue the movie we were watching.
"I'm gonna go to bed it's getting late" y/n said
"Good night babe" I said teasing her
"Hey Gracie and McKenzie I'll show you too your rooms if you want"y/n questioned
"Ok"Gracie said while smiling
"Bye boys" y/n said
Corl,Alex,and I ended to movie and Fletch Denis and Sub walked in the door
"Hey guys,did you find a house yet"corl questioned
"Yes but it's a surprise!" Denis said excitedly
"Hey Sketch do you know what your gonna do for y/n?" Sub asked
"Yes ,but it's a surprise" I teased
"Just tell us" denis said
" and Alex have a girlfriend too by he way" corl said
"Ok thanks for letting us know" Denis said as he was laughing
"Ok so I am gonna take her to a romantic restaurant and then I'm gonna just go out for the night"
"Hey sketch is it alright that I take y/n to our spot we go there every Valentine's Day since grade school" Denis asked me
"Well ok" I said
"Ooohhhh the spot" corl said as he punched his arm
"Let's get to bed" fletch said
"Ok..."I said confused

-time skip to morning-

I lying in bed until I noticed sketch isn't next to me
"Hmmm he isn't here....just a bouquet of flowers and chocolate" I said
"Oh a note as well"

Dear y/n,
Your the most beautiful girl in the world I will always love you with all my heart

"It's obviously from sketch right?"
"I'm pretty sure---BACON IS THAT BACON I SMELL"
I started to run down stairs and see all my friends sitting there
"Good morning sleeping beauty" sketch said as he kissed by cheek
"Good morning all" I said
"How about you eat" sketch said as he picked me up
"I won't get mad since to Valentine's Day"
"Oh it's valentines days I didn't even noticed"sketch said sarcastically
"Haha very funny" I teased
"You all realize we're here too"sub said

-time skip to the afternoon-
" you better get ready for our day I have all planned out well until 8 Denis is taking you go get ready" sketch stated
"Wow so demanding"! I said
"You would be getting ready too ladies for our date" corl said to the girls
"Yes we should let's go home McKenzie" Gracie said
I'm getting ready in my room and sketch knocks on my door
"Ready too go?" He questioned
"Lets go my prince"

-time skip to after the date because I don't feel like typing XD-
"That was a amazing date now I must go to Denis bye sketch" I said
"Bye beautiful" he said as he kissed me on the lips
"Lets go Denis" I said as he grabbed me by the wrist
We started walking till we reached to spot
"It's more beautiful tonight the ever" i said
"Lets go to out spot in the tree to watch the view" he said with a smirk
We climed the tree and then the sun started setting

"It's so beautiful" i said
"Like you" Denis said
"Why thanks you Denis"
"I always love coming here every year"
Denis started getting closer to me
"Uh Denis" I said by I was cut off by his lips

AN didn't see that coming did ya well I'll update y'all tomorrow byeeeee

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