.11. Stay Away

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Picture - Permy

I basically stayed in my room all day. The exams were given and then they left. I decided to walk around since I had been locked away up in my room. I seen Natsume and Persona. I was about to say hi until I heard them talking. "I found it surprising when I seen you taking that test, seeing as you have nothing to gain if you do. I mean, you have no family or home to go back to. The headmasters advice you to not make any knew favorites. Especially little Hitomi and that strange haired kitten." Persona said. "...you were the ones who made them my partners!" He yelled. "Well, that wasn't really what the headmasters wanted. You had best be careful." Once Persona had left I walked up to Natsume. "Natsume?" He looked over at me. "I think we should do the mission." I stated. He nodded.

A day later~

Narumi-sensei told the class about people loosing their Alices. I barely use my Alice so I wouldn't care. Everyone started talking about it. Everyone was saying how they wanted to keep their Alice. Yesterday Natsume told me that he hated his Alice. I don't know how he does it though. Me and Natsume stand up and leave. Ruka was behind me and I was behind Natsume. "Natsume you haven't been acting like yourself, and you've been more difficult around Mikan. And Hitomi you've don't even go to the classes anymore? Did something happen?" I looked at Natsume. He told Ruka that we were fine and we'd be back soon. Me and Natsume headed to the dangerous ability class so Persona could tell us where to go. He gave us rings as we left. I can't believe I'm going to see my dad again after so long. Me and Natsume we're in regular clothes walking to our destination. We didn't want to be caught wearing our uniforms otherwise someone would cause us problems. "What's your father like?" Natsume asked. "He's... I'm not sure." He gave me a questioning look. "Didn't you live with him?" I nodded. "How do you not know?" Because he would only ever abuse and yell at me, so I don't know how he really was. "He's strange." I lied. Natsume could tell and tsked. "Look, my father never opened up to me so I don't know how he is." I told him. It's true, he didn't. He would only ever abuse me. My eyes began to water but I wouldn't let myself cry, no, I can cry when I'm in my room. "Why do you say your father hates you?" I ignored him. "Listen to me when I talk to you!" I ignored him again. He just sighed. "You should be happy that you still have family." He mumbled. He is really pushing me. I stopped walking and faced him. "You wanna know why I say my father hates me? Or why I hate him? Well it's because he abused me. See, that's it." I huffed angryly. "You don't seem to care." He said. "I don't, not anymore." I said not looking at Natsume. "Anymore. So you cared at one point." I nodded. "He would come into my room and just hit me and yell at me. He'd tell me I'm a monster and that I should have died instead of my mother. I think it was around 2nd grade when I started believing him. He made me think that anyone I ever talk to would hate me. I was usually on the top of my classes and I didn't have any friends. I was only friends with Kichiro. I didn't really speak to anyone besides Kichiro. My brother had me run away with him where he taught me to use my Alices and told me about my mother. It wasn't until recently I found out that my father has something to do with the academy." I said. I stopped walking. "We're here." I said. I knocked on the door as it opened I seen my father. He barely aged at all. "Come in." He said walking away from the door. I look over at Natsume and he nods. We both walk inside closing the front door behind us. "You took a long time deciding on wether or not to come. I almost thought you wouldn't come seeing as I thought you hated me. Now, enough talk. Come with me." He started to walk downstairs. Me and Natsume followed him. "Open that." He commanded. I walked over to the long container and opened it. I gasped and fell onto the floor. "H-how?" I started shaking as Natsume was holding me. I can't believe it... It's her... My mother. And... In great condition?!

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