Chapter Five

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Saige was sitting on one of the love sacks in her front room as she scrolled through YouTube. Logan had been gone two days now because he was asked to marry a couple. Of course, Saige thought it was hilarious but also a cute thing for Logan to do. Saige decided to stay back so she could help Victoria renovate part of the shelter.

Her phone went off, letting her know that she got a text from who she assumed was Logan. She grabbed her phone.

From Logan: Go on my other channel. Watch the newest video.

Saige was kind of suspicious but went to his channel. She saw his newest video with the title Two Years and the thumbnail was a picture of Logan kissing her cheek. She clicked on the video. Logan was sitting on a bed facing the camera.

"When I was sixteen, I met a girl who was going through a lot. While most of the people I went to school with just walked passed her, ignoring her, something inside of me told me that she needed somebody, that she needed a friend. After almost a year, she finally trusted me and opened up to me about everything that was going on."

Saige smiled and felt her eyes beginning to water as she continued to watch the video.

"I never expected to hear anything like what she told me. Two years ago, I asked her to be my girlfriend and I was shocked when she said yes. I really expected her to say no but she said yes. With my schedule, I didn't know how well it would work out between us but here we are, two years later. You've put up with my schedule and you put up with me always vlogging."

Saige could see Logan's eyes start to water as he looked down and sniffled.

"I'm sorry you had to go through what you went through..." Logan's voice cracked slightly. "...Now you have me and I will always be there for you and I'll love you forever."

The video then transitioned into a slide show of all the pictures Logan and Saige had taken over the last two years and Breathless by Shane Ward played in the background. Saige fought back the tears as she watched the video. At the end of the video, there was a little message for Saige.

I love you so much, baby. I don't know where I'd be without you right now. I promise that I will always be there for you no matter where we are in the future.

Saige smiled real wide and grabbed her phone and FaceTimed Logan.

"Hey gorgeous." Logan said when he answered the FaceTime. "Did you watch the video?"

"Yeah, it was amazing." Saige replied as she tried to keep the tears back. "I really was not expecting that."

"That took me about four times to complete because I kept tearing up."

"I know, your voice cracked in the beginning. But I really do appreciate it. It meant a lot."

"If you can get a couple days off work, fly down here and we can stay a couple extra days. You've never been to Vegas, it's something we can do together." Saige smiled again.

"I'm sure I can. I'll see if I can get a last-minute flight."

"Good, I really want you to come down here with me."


Fortunately, Saige was able to get a last-minute flight to Vegas. It was only about an hour flight and when she landed, Logan was already waiting for her. Saige smiled when she saw Logan waiting for her.

"I really hate you for trying to make me cry." Saige said as she hugged Logan. She heard him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I wasn't trying to make you cry." Logan replied as she smiled. Saige looked up at Logan and was a bit caught off guard when Logan kissed her. She smiled against his lips. "George is going to fly back so we can stay."

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