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without further ado......

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Kai pinched the bridge of his nose as he caught sight of the same girl he had been dealing with this whole semester for being so troublesome.

Jinae walked inside the schools gates, clutching her bag; she waved when she saw the school's student council president, Kai. She smirked then raised her chin up, bracing herself for another of his sermon.

"Shim Jinae." Kai mumbled as he tapped the pen he was holding to the board note he had on his hand.

"Yes???" she chirped.

"When will you stop doing this?" he asked helplessly.

"Stop what?" she grinned widely as she glanced to his wristwatch and tightened her grip on her strap. "I did nothing so bye!" she said as she sprinted and Kai was too surprised to react and stop her.

Another tally on her name, he thought.


"Jinae you will get expelled by doing this." A concerned friend of hers took noticed and reminded her worriedly.

"I know." She slumped herself on her desk.

It had always been like this. She had to do something in order to get noticed by the president which is her love interest.

She had been feeling special towards Kai since that day she first met him.


School festival was fast approaching, everyone at school was busy, but Jinae sneaked inside the school's premises towards the back area. Couples of trees are found behind the school which looks like a forest when it's not.

She inhaled the early afternoon sun breeze, good time for a nap. She climbed one of the trees without any problem, being part of an athlete team from middle school gave her advantage. She positioned herself on one of the branches.

Staying still and staring at the twigs swaying by as the winds' blows, she heard a voice and as she turned her head, she saw Kai.

"Kai! Kai!" a small guy with wide eyes ran after him.

Kai turned around to meet his friend. "Kyungsoo hyung!"

The said name ruffled his hair and laughed. "I see you're busy with the festival huh?"

"I'm planning to run as the Student Council's President next year so I had to make a good impression."

"That's it, follow my steps kiddo!" Kyungsoo punched his arm lightly.

"Just now you sounded like my dad, hyung." and both laughed.

Jinae sighed dreamily. Kai was a junior in high school and she was still in middle school. She frequented this area here in their campus just to see this certain guy, Kai. As she moved a bit and her hand hold on a twig, it snapped and she yelped making the two boys turn to her direction. She looked up and smiled awkwardly, raising a V-sign but to her mistake, she slipped on her other hand and before she could make it, she was falling.

"Look out!"

"Watch it!"

The two guys called out in unison, but she couldn't do anything but to stare on the ground and wait for it to hit her face.

Troublesome Lady [Oneshot/COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now