Chapter 16

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I stand in the tent looking at Eric Bolton. He was extremely good looking, but that didn't change the fact that he was a monster. I look at Lara who was sitting next to the king, she was just a naive young girl, whom I frankly got annoyed by.

She must be one of the most annoying girls I've ever met, and that she thinks the king of the north is interested in her is merely comedic. "Lady Umber, I know you have met my betrothed, Lady Flint," The king of the north states as if he had read my mind. She must've tricked him into it, forced his family to except, there was no way the king in the north loved that girl, let alone liked her. "I have, she was so kind to escort me to my tent," I tell him, faking a smile whilst looking at her. Pathetic is what comes to mind.

Eric wraps his arms around my waist, I instantly forget about Lara and start feeling bile coming up my throat, I never wanted this man to touch me ever again, even though he called me beautiful I knew it was a facade. His words meant nothing to me. My hands quickly pry his hands of my body. "If you don't mind, I do feel like bathing, it's been a long ride here and I feel like I need to relax a bit," I smile quickly, bowing my head. I leave the tent quickly, the temperature quickly dropping. I roll my eyes, I'm used to this weather, I come from the north it's colder up there then here. I walk towards my tent.

I felt some one grab my hand, I turn around to yell at the person but decided not to, Eric was the person holding my hand looking me straight in the eyes. "You don't seem all too happy about our engagement," he smirks at me, I laugh "I know how horrible you are, I don't want to marry a monster," I reply, he smiles at me, all of a sudden he leans forward, I panicked thinking he was going to kiss me, but he doesn't, "you will learn to deal with me," he whispers in my ear.

He turns around and leaves me, I stand there, not knowing what my father got me into. I sighed my father, he was abusive. He would always blame me for mistakes and tragedies. When Roose Bolton came by and asked my father to marry me away to one of his sons, my father happily agreed. He knew how horrible they were. It wouldn't matter if I was fiancé or not they would be horrible, and they could be like hell and I couldn't even be able to do anything.

I shake my memory's of my father away from my thoughts. I continue towards my tent. "Lady umber," I heard a voice call out for me, I turn around finding pathetic little Lara walking towards me. I snarl at her, "yes Lady Flint," I say, she was now standing in front of me. "This must be hard for you, being betrothed to Eric, I just wanted to say that if you need a friend, I'm here for you," she says smiling generously. I smile back at her. "I'm fine believe me, if I find myself lonely, I shall come to you" I tell her. She nods her head softly turning around leaving me.

She was truly annoying, and very naive. Nothing about her made me like her, she was just a little girl, or that's at least how I see her as. Just a little girl.

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