Chapter 23

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Bloodstained lips, a heart of gold. Yet that heart is broken. A girl standing alone with a rose in her hand. A rose from her lover. That rose falling apart. The girl standing on a cliff ready to jump, ready to join her lover. For the gods have been to cruel. Taking away everything she loves and more. Stripped her down of her happiness, leading her to an eternity of darkness. She walks closer to the edge, looking at the ocean crashing against the rocks of the cliff. She looks up, a tear falling down her cheek. As she turns around, leaning backwards. Her arms straight out,her hair flaring as she falls. As she was falling she could see one face only, the face of her loved one. She killed herself, to see him again.

Lara's pov**

I would never feel the same. After I had seen the maester, and him believing that I was fine. I had walked back to my tent, my head down. My eyebrows furrowed, my expression was blank. As I continued to walk between the camp. My dire wolf had come to the maesters tent and was now walking beside me, looking worrisome. She looked up at me, letting out a small whine, showing that she was sad, sad that I was hurting. I stopped in my tracks, bending down only a little bit, looking straight in to Aiyana's eyes, "I killed him, I stabbed him in the neck, then in the heart," I whispered. Her expression not changing as the words left my mouth.

She let out a whine again, rubbing her head towards my body. Nudging me, I went down on my knees wrapping my arms around her neck. I pulled away shortly, standing up again. I continued to walk towards the tent. My wolf still looking worriedly up towards me. As I neared my tent I heard someone call my name from behind. I turned around, recognizing the persons voice. I slowly look up seeing Robb standing not to far away from me looking at me up and down.

I almost fell apart right there and then. A tear slipped down my cheek. He slowly made his way towards me. Me not able to keep my emotions in place I finally break, falling down. But never really hitting the ground. I felt the hand of someone around me as they slowly lower me to the ground. I look up seeing Robb holding me tightly. "I'm a horrible person," I say as the tears start pouring from my eyes. Robb only shakes his head looking down at me. A broken girl, who is in pain. Robb looks at me with concern. He takes ahold of me hugging me, like it was the last time he was ever going to.

A rain drop dropped on my arm, I was still hugging Robb, my head buried in his chest. The drops started to increase, and as soon as we knew it it was pouring down. We slowly broke from our hug. I looked up at him smiling, the smile never really reaching my eyes. He smiled back stroking my cheek with his hand. We sat there looking at each other, not saying a word. Until Robb spoke up, "I love you Lara," he said. This time I smiled and the smile reached all the way up to my eyes.

He looked down at me, smiling too. "I love you too, my young wolf," I whispered quietly. His smile widening. At this moment it was only us in the world, as we leaned closer towards each other. Kissing. The rain kept on pouring down at us, as we were sitting down on the ground kissing each other.

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