Chapter 24

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Looking up at the sky, it was cloudless, the sun shining bright even though the wind had an ice cold feeling to it. A crow flew across the sky, going into the woods. Searching for something, or could it be someone? Soaring past the trees, it seemed to have found it's target. A girl, sitting on a rock. Her black hair was covering her face as she sat there in silence. She wore a beautiful dark blue dress, with a coat hanging swiftly around her shoulders. her feet were bare and bloody, her hands shaking. She looks up when she hears the bird flying past. Her tears were made of blood.

Asha's pov**

I let out a deep breath, all this running had made me tired. Me and Rickon had finally caught up with the group and we have been walking for what feels like hours. "Where are we headed?" I asked looking forward, the sun burning bright, blinding me. "We are headed towards Robb's army" the woman screamed back. I stopped in my tracks, "I can't go back there," I said, I couldn't go back failing my mission. The woman stopped, turning around. "What do you mean 'can't go back there'? You are probably lying about ever knowing Robb, you probably killed the person who was actually going to Castle black!" She spat in my face, I didn't flinch. I wasn't afraid of her, like hell I would be! "I am turning back to leave for Castle black, but you're probably to stupid to take up that information as you are in capable of seeing the truth," I shot back at her. She snarled at me, clearly not fond of being called stupid. She slapped me, that really got my blood boiling as I grabbed a dagger she had, and cut her face. That would surely leave a mark. Her hand flew up to the fresh wound stunned at what had just happened. "Excuse me, I need to go the nights watch," I said bowing lightly, turning around and walking away.

My journey has now increased, I needed to survive without going past Winterrfell and avoid getting caught by Theon. This was going to be a hell of a journey.


I had now walked for days, I passed Winterfell and managed to steal a horse during those few days. As I rode through the woods it gave me chills, I could feel that something wasn't right. I decided to get off my horse, remembering that last time I had been shot and captured. That wasn't a great memory.  I walked carefully, suddenly someone appeared, scaring me for only a second.

"Hello, darling," he said, the words slipping of his tongue. "Don't call me that," I spat back, he looked amused. I suddenly remember that I had the dagger that I stole from the woman. I took it out and threw it at the guy. I never really thought that it would hit him but it did, right between his eyes. His body became limp and he fell to the ground. Blood seeping out from his head. I stood above him, I wasn't in shock, in stead I just grabbed the dagger from his head wiping it off my gown. I heard something from behind me, I turned around and saw another man standing not so far away from me, he looked down at the guy who was dead then at me. "You have just got a death sentence," he spat, I smirked at him, "from who?" My eyes shone as the words left my mouth knowing it would anger him. "From me pretty girl," he growled in response, he lunged towards me, I simply just threw the dagger again, but this time harder. It hit him in the chest, making him a bit slower when he tried to kill me. Slow enough for me to actually take the dagger from his chest, duck when he tried to punch me, move behind him and slit his throat. His body fell to the ground, blood pouring out his throats and his stomach. I grabbed the dagger again, wiping it off again on my gown.

I looked around to find my horse, luckily it had only walked a little further away from me eating grass patiently.

Three month's later

I looked up towards my destination, Castle black. It truly was a dull and boring looking place, I had always belived that it was going to be massive and that there would be hundreds of guards guarding the gates, but there were only a few. "What is your business here? Woman!" One of the guards screamed pointing a cross bow at me. "I'm here because of business, from the king in the north himself," I said glaring at them. They rolled their eyes, signaling for the gate to be opened. I sighed deeply, I rode into the castle yard. I got of my horse standing by its side. "What are you doing here, young girl," a man called out, he stood on a balcony  looking down at me. He raised his eyebrows, "I have come for Jon Snow," I spoke, raising his eyebrows at him. He looked at the man next to him, "do you know this girl?" He asked him. The man shook his head, he looked down at me his deep brown eyes looking deep in my soul. It was like he knew all my secrets and maybe even more.

"It's your brother that sent me, Robb," I said stepping forward, his head shot up. "Is he well?", I nodded my head.  "I have a letter for you, but I'd rather I give it to you in private," I said looking around, many of the men around her was staring hungrily at me. I looked back up towards him, he nodded shortly, walking down the stairs from the balcony, he waved for me to follow.

We stepped into what looked like a dining hall, he took a seat at a table, "Robb gave you a letter?" He asked looking at me, I nodded my head and opened my backpack, I pulled out the neatly folded letter and pushed it towards him, he quickly grabbed the letter reading it fast, he looked up at me, "this is suicide,"

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