Stalking The Benedick

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So, Bobian and Beatrice popped off to stalk Benedick, who was supposedly at the gym getting a six pack. The only problem was, they had no idea what gym he was at. But they soon found out. Such is the power of stalking and Google Maps. They were guessing he was going to go to the closest gym to his house, knowing the lazy wasp he is. That gym just happened to be called Sporticus's Six packs. When they had floated over to Sporticus's Six packs, they peeped through the window with their rape faces, being the creepy pair they are, and spotted Benedick on an exercise bike. He seemed to be trying to use the exercise bike to get a six pack, but being a wasp, he was having a bit of a problem. He couldn't even pedal it once. Poor Benedick. So he called over a man with oversized sunglasses, a classic pointy nose to match his rapist smile and forehead wrinkles. "Hey, Graham, how do you use this thing?" He yelled, seemingly trying to act cool, but failing miserably. "Ya just gotta put ya feet on da pedals and pedal it, yo!" The guy called Graham yelled back, trying and actually succeeding to act cool, which is more than Benedick could say for himself. Benedick tried again, and failed again, so asked Graham to come and help him out. As Graham came over to help out Benedick, Bobian and Beatrice starting discussing a plan, trying to yell as quietly as they could, to stalk Benedick to his house and trash his house. They decided they would wait until Benedick had a six pack, which would probably take about 1,000,000,000,000,000 years, which is a little bit longer than they would have liked, so instead they decided to wait until he just gave up and went home, then follow him home and trash his house without him finding out it was them. Just then, there was casually a massive explosion. Graham had somehow blown up the exercise bike. That was not very surprising to anyone who has ever met Graham. "Boom!" Shrieked Graham, losing his cool act by shrieking like a 2 and 3/4 year old. "Well done Graham, I'm very proud" Said Benedick, not sounding very proud. I guess I will just have to ask Santa for a six pack for Christmas. "I guess I shall just pop off home now then. Bye Graham, see you next year or something" And with that flew out a very depressed Benedick. Poor Benedick. Since Benedick had now given up on his six pack (For now), part one of the plan was now in action. Bobian and Beatrice were now going to stalk Benedick to his house. Their problem here was that they had to do that silently so as not to alert the Benedick of their presence. And being silent is an almost impossible task if you are a Bobian, as they tend to yell a lot. Especially Bobian, being a banshee, as it is in a banshee's nature to casually yell. As for Beatrice, she had to find a way to keep the Bobian quiet. At least it probably wouldn't be very long, as Benedick is about the most lazy wasp you will ever (Or won't) meet, so he wouldn't be bothered to even come to a gym if it meant he had to fly for long. To be honest, Bobian and Beatrice were surprised he was even bothered to try to get a six pack. But back to the story, Bobian and Beatrice were trying to stalk Benedick home. So, Benedick was flying over to his house, which, just happened to be right across a road. Like seriously, Benedick is the most lazy being in existence. Bobian and Beatrice stalked him over the road without yet being detected, but, with their luck, Graham just had to yell "Yo, Benedick!" Right behind Bobian and Beatrice. Just as Benedick was turning around, they both flew above his head and hid in the pear tree in his back garden. Bobian poked his banshee-like head out from the tree, and could see Benedick talking to Graham. Somehow, Graham didn't even seemed to have noticed Bobian and Beatrice, even though they were pretty much under his impossibly pointy nose. But his nose is rather large, so perhaps he didn't notice them because his nose was in the way. Anyway, they had succeeded in stalking Benedick to his house, which was another part of the plan completed. Next they just had to trash his house without him finding out they were the ones who did it. Will Bobian and Beatrice trash Benedick's house and get away with it? Or will they be caught by the Benedick?...

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