Ima cut a bitch

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Ring Ring Ring

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm and my older brother Chris screaming for me to get up. "Tris Unique Carter get your lazy ass up!" I screamed to let him know I was up and hopped in the shower, got dressed, and did my hair in a bun going to the back. I decided to wear a tan sweater, Brown skirt with tan dots,white sandels, gold stud earrings,and my signature glasses. As I make my way downstairs I asked where are parents were. He tells me they're on A business trip and won't be back today for my birthday. They left a card wishing me happy birthday, and left my present in the living room. As I anticipated, it was the same gift of money and clothes I got every year. Chris made me breakfast and wished me happy birthday. My wolf was acting strangely anxious,which in turn made my barely beginning day become unbearable. Since it's my 17th birthday and I'm shifting today, I automatically justified this as the reason for my wolfs moody attitude. I wish it could be just like every other birthdays where I'm completely ignored, unless I'm being looked at in disgust, or hate.The stares don't really bother me, I just ignore them like my wolf tells me to. I rushed to finish eating before the pack members came down for breakfast. My brother noticed me rushing to eat and gave me a sad look. I make my way over to hell (aka school). I already get dirty looks as I walk in but, I can't really bring myself to care. I smell the overwhelming scent of cherry blossoms and strawberries so I turn my head and see something that made my heart shatter. Mate was kissing some slut up against the locker next to mine. A growl erupted from my throat as I ripped that slut from under him.what happened next made my heart shatter even more if possible. "What the fuck you crazy bitch, why did you touch my girl!" He paused and took a deep breath, he looked around until his eyes found me and started to laugh hysterically. I was utterly confused why isn't he hugging or kissing me. I guess seeing the confusion on my face he replied, "You really are a crazy bitch if you seriously think I would except you, your a slut only good for a cheap fuck, matter of fact your so disgusting and fat that you would have to pay them to sleep with you." The whole school/pack laughed as they threw paint,glitter, and mud on me,where they hid it before throwing it on me I don't know. I was so humiliated I ran out of there faster than I've ran in my entire life. As I ran out I heard clearly " I Alpha Brent of New Dawn pack reject you". I stopped halfway and cried out in pain from the rejection. Now I know which choice I have to make. I have been thinking of running away for a while now. I only stayed for mate, but now I guess that's out.

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