The Beginning of the End

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Leah struggled to take a deep breath, against the pain from being attacked by her alpha. She knew she shouldn't have said anything against his imprint but she couldn't stop herself, she had had enough of seeing everyone having there happy ever after. So after once again having to see Jacobs thoughts about how perfect his imprint was she lost it and phased and screamed out her rage and hurt about him imprinting on their enemy's and him turning into a mindless zombie. In a blink of an eye she found herself being bitten, shaking, clawed and thrown into a tree to slide to the ground broken and bleeding not only in body but in mind by her alpha. She didn't know how long she had been out but when she woke up she was alone. She pulled herself upright against the tree and looked down on her torn body and ripped up cloths as the tears streamed down her face. A shutter of pain went through her as she struggles again to take a breath. In an instant, she had phased and she pushed herself to run as fast and as far away from here as she could. Seth startled when he felt her phase in and saw what happened between her and Jacob, before he could voice his outrage at what happened to her he heard her last thought of pain from yet another person she loved leaving her for an imprint as she severed the link to the pack and everything went silent.

Seth ran as fast as he could to the last place he had seen in her mind trying to find her. When he reached the spot, Leah had been all he found was bloody paw prints trailing away from her ripped up cloths laying in a pool of blood. Seth looked up from the site before him as Jacob came crashing back and phasing with Carlisle right behind him. Before he could say a word, Jacob was screaming in a panic asking where she was and if she was alright saying how sorry he was and how he hadn't meant to lose it and hurt her. At hearing this Seth phased and launched himself at Jacob. Jacob phased just in time so instead of Seth ripping his throat out he ripped a chunk out of his shoulder. Carlisle caught Seth before he could launch himself again and spoke and said it was imperative that they find Leah, she had lost to much blood from the state of the bloody mess before them, he was fearful for her life. Jacob and Seth ran off to search for her. Hours later after losing her trail Jacob found himself at the Cullen's hoping to find that Seth had found Leah and was now being treated by Carlisle. As he walked in all eyes had turned to look at him with a mixture of worry and anger. His eyes fell upon Seth seeing the look of hopelessness and tears running down his face full of anger towards him. Jacob just stood there as Carlisle once again told him he didn't think she would survive from so much blood loss. Edward stepped back in a panic having heard Jacob's and Seth's thoughts and quickly told everyone what had happened. At hearing this the Cullen's all turned to him in outrage asking him how could he treat not only one of his pack but a female like he had done. He opened his mouth to speak but was stopped in shock and disbelieve as he heard Seth tell him that Leah's had severed the pack link than turned and ran out the door away from him and the Cullen's house.

Leah's lungs were on fire as she made her way into the cave behind the fall, as she entered and saw a Hugh boulder. She found herself moving towards the back of it before her legs gave out and all went black. On coming too Leah struggled upright to view the damaged Jacob had inflicted on her. She gazed around herself spotting a small pool of water after not being able to see clearly threw the dried blood and mud, she crawled into the small pool of water hands trembling gently wiping herself clean. Again, she viewed herself noting the ragged wounds from Jakes teeth and claws sighing in relief that the wounds had all but stopped bleeding and her bones had healed enough that they no longer screamed in agony when she moved. She found herself leaning over to look at her reflection gasping in shock at the swelling and bruising of her neck and face and the horrible scar's she found going from the bottom of her ear to her left shoulder. Not knowing how long she had been out Leah realized that she had to leave worried that Jacob would find her and kill her finishing what he had started earlier. Thinking that Sam and the other wolves hated her after the way they had treated her since becoming the only female wolf known, and how she had been such a bitch towards them all after seeing Sam's thoughts and feelings over and over before she left and joined Jacob's pack. That they would most likely help Jacob to kill her, she knew her only option was to escape as far away from La Push as she could. Shaking, cold and trembling from not only exhaustion and loss of blood Leah forced herself to follow the creak to the Quileute River, her idea was to float downstream until she found herself at the mouth of the ocean.

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