Prophecy of the Alpha Female

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In the days to come and the cold one's return, there will be a false Alpha that will take control, this will be the sign of the begining of the end of our people unless the wrongs are righted.

She will be saved from the false Alpha by his imprinting on the one she called sister.

She will be the first of her kind an Alpha Female, she will seem barren to all until she matures and leaves the clutches of the enemy.

She will not be subject to imprint, because she is the true alpha's mate.

(True alpha's don't imprint they bond, all others will imprint.)

The false Alpha will take an imprint and will drive the Alpha Mate, to our enemy and off her land.

The true Alpha will be tricked into a fake imprinting. The child of his false love the mate of a cold one, turning his back not only on his birthright but his people. Exposing the tribe to a great

Without the Alpha female's help our people will be lost for all time.

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