Chapter 5: Zayn

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I stopped frozen on my tracks as I saw her — the mystical girl on my dreams. She’s wearing a blue top, a not so skimpy black shorts and a pair of black flats that complements her black and shiny, medium-length straight hair and her glowing olive skin. Sh*t. I think she’ll look good dressed in anything. Our eyes met and for a moment I think she looked tensed, like she’s in distress or something.

As to why she’s there when she’s supposed to just exist in my dreams puzzles me so much. But what’s more important is that she is there, alive and moving. No matter how brain wracking the possibilities are it’s the materialization of a great dream and I couldn’t have been happier.

I forced myself to walk as the boys are just a few steps near her. I doubt they didn’t notice her because she emits this aura I can’t really explain. I would really mind if one of the boys started talking to her. Call me possessive or what but she’s mine. She’s my mystical girl.

She turned her back and checked her phone.

Clearly, Niall is interested in her as he was walking towards her direction.  I’m taking big and faster steps now, rushing to reach her first.

Just when Niall was about to touch her to get her attention, she turned around walked towards where the boys are and said: “Good morning. I’m the representative of Shangri La Hotel(1), the hotel you’re staying at. I hope you had a good flight. Please follow me.” She smiled and started walking.

Her voice is calm and sweet and she looks even better up close. Her bright dark brown eyes correspond with the perfect natural ark of her brows. Yet there’s something different about her. I felt like she’s acting strange, hiding something. Darn. How can I even now if she’s acting strange when I don’t even know how she normally acts.

We continue walking. None of the boys seem to talk to her but I can see Niall urging Liam to ask her name. Liam gave in and said: “Ahm, you haven’t told us your name yet. Mind if we ask?”

She stopped walking. We stopped too.

“Oh haven’t I told you. I’m sorry for being rude. I’m Artemis Romualde(2). Shall we continue?”

We resumed walking. She scared Niall a bit as she gave off an aura that doesn’t want any further conversation. But I think it’s sexy. I like girls who play hard to get.

At last, we reached a black tinted car. She instructed a man in his mid-thirties to get the car ready. I didn’t notice that he was with us maybe because my eyes were glued to her.

I rushed to open the door beside the driver’s car for her. She stepped back and said: “Would you like to seat in front, Mr. Malik?”

“Errr. No. Just opening the door for you.” I stutter.

“That was nice of you. Thanks.” She replied without a tint of appreciation in her voice.

 “Errr. No. Just opening the door for you.” Louis gave a perfect imitation of what I just said. I looked at the boys who are trying their best not to laugh. I told them to shut up.

Niall who got a passion for food opened the box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts inside the car and began munching. “Hey Arty! Could we eat this? I’m famished.”

“There’s no need to ask for permission since you’re already eating it. I’m just going to make a phone call. Please wait here and make yourself comfortable. By the way, it’s Artemis, not Arty, A-R-T-E-M-I-S, Artemis.”

She got out of a car and looked impatient while waiting for the receiving end to accept her call. I shifted my attention when Liam said: “Don’t you think she’s too young to be a hotel representative? I mean the hotel representatives who usually escorts us are the Hotel’s PR Manager or someone who holds something similar to that position.”

“Yeah, it seems like she’s just 16 years old but she’s pretty. Ain’t she?” Harry said.

“And she got a nice choice of doughnut flavor.” Niall added.

“But she’s kind of snobbish. How about you Zayn, what do you think?” Louis questioned me.

Before I can even answer the man on the wheels butt in and said: “Ma’am Artemis is just seventeen years old. She’s not an employee in the hotel. She’s just the niece of the PR Manager, Ma’am Ezra  Romualde .”

That makes sense then.

I asked the man what’s his name. He told us his name is Rudy and he will be our driver for the whole duration of the tour.

“Is she always that snobbish?” Louis asked.

“Ma’am Artemis is actually nice. It might be because she was forced to escort you since her aunt has some business to attend to.”

Just then, Artemis came into the car and explained to us that it would be a long ride since we’re going to change cars for five times so that the fans will have no idea where we are staying.

It’s not that we hate our fans. We love them and without them there will be no One Direction. The management is just concern about our and our fan’s security.

In the two hours we spent travelling, she rarely talked. She just stared at her phone reading probably a book.  We finally reached our destination. Artemis escorted us up to the lobby. She handed our keys, smiled, wished us a good time at the Philippines and started walking towards the exit.

Zayn, this is it. You can’t let your chances pass. You’ve got to ask her number. Maintain the connection or else all would be lost forever. I told myself.

“Artemis!” I shouted.

She turned back and raised her eyebrows probably telling me to continue.

I walked towards her. “Do you have a Twitter account?”

“I’m sorry but I don’t believe in the principle and objective of Twitter.”

“Can I get your phone number then?”


She stated casually as if she’s telling me that the sun rises in the east.

“Is that all? Can I go now?”

“Ahm, yeah… Take care.”

She’s the same girl in my dreams from the exact color of her eyes down to the scar on her right middle finger yet she’ different. I can’t seem to distinguish what’s missing but I can feel that she’s not her usual self. She’s definitely hiding something.

She started walking away from me, literally and figuratively. But even so I could feel that this won’t be that last time we’ll meet. If fate doesn’t agree, I’ll find ways.

(AN: (1) It’s a five star hotel that also has its own shopping mall located at the busy streets of Ortigas. (2) Yes, I changed Artemis's family name because my sister thinks it doesn't sound good.  And to all WanE readers out there, you got it right. Artemis's initial is now AR. Not that I'm joining the bandwagon. Hahah. (3) And yeah Manong Rudy speaks fluent English. Ohoho.(4) I’m sorry. No twitterpatting moments for this chapter. )

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