Chapter 2. The Legacy

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There was an hour before the headlining band was ready to play. The headlining band is the last to play a show, and it was my favorite band. BLACK VEIL BRIDES! Andy would be at a signing now-- which was why I was standing in another line with my brother and Wynter. My heart was racing. I was going to meet the man who, with his lyrics, advice, band mates/best friends had saved me. I could feel my mind go to the scars on my wrist. I needed to thank them for everything. If I could. My mouth felt like it was sown shut in a tight smile and my eyes were kind of dry. I couldn't cry in front of him. I couldn't cry in front of anybody. But, just knowing that, at the end of the day, I had met my savior, I was going to cry before I went to bed.

It didn't take long to get up to Andy Biersack, so much taller than me and smiled happily. I held my book tightly, walking with Jordan. He went right up to Andy, shaking his hand. I smiled at Andy shyly-- his height intimidating me a little. I handed him my little, black book, awkwardly, to sign.

"What's your name, beautiful?" he asked me, those blue eyes piercing into my hazel ones. I giggled.

"Melodie. Uhm, I just wanted to thank you and the rest of the band for being my saviors." I said quietly, sneaking a glance down at my wrist, and he saw.

"Without you, I wouldn't be here. You saved me as much as I saved you. And, I thank you for that. Never hurt yourself because you are the most important person in the world to someone else, and you might not even know that." Andy took my wrist and kissed it quickly. I laughed, hugging him before I could realize what I was doing. He laughed, hugging me back in a bear hug. I hoped Wynter or Jordan were taking pictures. "If I find you after the show do you want to talk?" he asked, his deep voice making my heart skip.

"Sure, I'll probably be at the front of the stage anyway." That was random, but it made me really happy. I smiled, he didn't intimidate me much now. I left and he moved on with his fans. Jordan, Wynter, and I went to the stage where Black Veil Brides would play. We inched our way foreward as people left the set and Black Veil Brides came on. Andy Biersack waved at the crowd before giving an introduction speech. I grinned with inspiration then the music started and Andy began to sing "Knives and Pens." Woah, blast from the past! I thought, giggling.


The last song that played was "Legacy" and it brought back so many memories. This is the song that makes me want to tease my hair and do my warpaint everyday. Andy high fived and held everyone's hands that he could reach.

And, then, it was over.

Jordan put his arms around mine and Wynter's shoulders. We were going to be the last to leave. Andy called over to us, his long, black hair glowing in the summer night's breeze. We went over to the side of the stage, where he was near. The night sky was beautiful and there were no clouds in the sky, so you could see all the stars. Andy smiled sadly, looking at Wynter and Jordan. He shook hands with Jordan again and hugged Wynter.

"I heard from other bands that your band is kind of well-known in these parts?" He said to us. I nudged Jordan, this was his thing. Jordan shrugged as we followed Andy toward a tour bus.

"Sort of." he said. "My sister gets us gigs and we've been gathering quite a bit of fans. Now, we just have to get signed." Andy beckoned us to get on the tour bus and we did. I heard Ashley yelling at someone and I giggled. Ashley looked a little hyper- or drunk- and he ran up to us to introduce himself.

"Are you twins?" He asked Jordan and I. Wynter stood next to us awkwardly. We both nodded. "I'm Ashley. But, you already knew that." He said jokingly.

"I'm Melodie. This is Jordan and Wynter." I gestured toward the two people who were beside me. CC, Jake and Jinxx were next to introduce themselves. "Uhm, so why did you want to talk?"

"Actually," Andy began. "I wanted to talk to you personally. Jordan and Wynter can stay here." He looked at them and gestured for me to follow him back outside. "Don't worry, it'll be quick." He said to all of us. I'm sure they had to go soon anyway, but I was still confused-- why would he want to talk to a random fan?! He was honestly like a God to me-- and the rest of the BVB army. All the boys were. The night was warm with little breezes here and there, sending shivers down my spine.

"I was just so attracted to you as a person. I don't know why. I just wanted to know your story." I just shrugged.

"Just major depression- though it is getting better- and people are mean." I shrugged again, trusting him completely.

"And those people are just jealous. You might have something that they don't." He smiled sadly. "I assume that you know that I was bullied, too? I'm here for you, Melodie. Never forget that. And, 'never give in.'" He said, quoting his own song. He hugged me and I smiled. I already knew that, thanks to the band's music, but it was nice to hear it personally from him.

"Thank you." I whispered, looking at my phone. It was 11:30pm and I knew that my parents were going to flip out. "I, erm, have to go." I frowned; I finally met my idol and I had to leave so soon. I'm sure he had to, too.

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, here's my personal number." He quickly wrote on a slip of paper with a marker he had from the signings. He walked me back to the tour bus and Jordan, Wynter, and I said our goodbyes to the band- not sure if we'd ever see them, like this, again. Walking to my tiny, black Volvo, I took out the slip of paper absentmindedly and smiled. The road disappeared behind us and the moon circled our car. No thoughts in my brain. Just yawns exchanged back and forth between us. As soon as we got home- Wynter was sleeping over- we got ready for bed then fell asleep.

Today was an amazing day.

Andy's P.O.V

I threw a bottle of beer at CC-- and thank God he caught it. My mind was preoccupied with that girl, Melodie. There was something about her that caused me to befriend her. Not to mention the fact that her brother will be part of our community one day. I wanted her to know that she wasn't alone. Plus, I did that type of thing with fans all the time, to let them know that I cared, I just never gave them my number. I honestly didn't know why I did that.

"That blonde chick was hot." I heard a drunken Ashley say. He fell on his ass when the bus hit a pothole and that made us all laugh. We were heading to New York now-- or was it Pennsylvania? I couldn't remember. I had a couple of drinks myself and was starting to feel the effects. I got back into my bunk, exhausted from the day, checking my phone every so often. She was probably asleep. The guys bantered with each other and I did a little intake scream and that shut them up for a couple seconds. I didn't bother anymore. I shut my eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

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