
117 9 14

Name :

Username : tell me if you change it


Birthday : 1995~1999

Age : 22~18

Personality :

Background : where you lived,what you did before you got picked,your childhood,pets you had or still have,family,etc

Weight :

Height :

Nationality :

Ethnicity :

Language's : don't be Mary Sue

Likes :

Dislikes :

Hobbies :

Facts :

Talent : What your good at and don't be Mary Sue

Face claim :

Back up :

Love interest :

Back up :

You and your partner team name :

What you call your partner :

What your partner calls you :

How your partner acts around you :

How you act around him :

How did you get picked :

Message to the author :

Message to love interest or partner :

What will you do when season 1 is over?

Will you fall in love with your partner or someone else?

Password : your favorite animal

I only take the ones that followed my rules.
PM or comment
Please tag people
Deadline is on the end of March

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