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Name : Lee Seung Han

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Name : Lee Seung Han

Username : PinkBunny98

Nickname: Seungie,Bunny

Birthday : May 16,1995

Age : 22

Personality : Bunny is a cheerful person that loves to do fun things.She is very smart who has a high level in college.She likes to make people laugh by cracking a joke or do something funny.Bunny can be serious at times but she is mostly loud and weird.

Background : SeungHan was born in Busan South Korea,she moved to Seoul to go to a better college.She pretty much has a normal life,she got bullied but that didn't stop her to achieve her goals to finish college and find her dream job that is to become a famous chef.Her parents are very supportive of her and can't be even prouder then before her mother owns a coffee shop called "Julie Tant" her father is a swim coach and her older brother HuLin is a rock climber coach.

Weight : 47 kg

Height : 160 cm

Nationality : Korean

Ethnicity : Asian

Language's : Korean

Likes :
Rock climbing

Dislikes :
Horror movies
Dark alleies
Nasty things
Loud people

Hobbies :
Dancing to ballet songs.
Cooking ramen.
Rock climbing.

Facts :
I am from Busan,South Korea.
My mother taught me how to cook.
I went in ballet for a long time.
My brother loves to rock climb so I started to rock climb.

Talent : Cooking and rock climbing is my talent.

Face claim : Pinky Pristin

Back up : Yuju Gfriend

Love interest : Joshua

Back up : Woozi

You and your partner team name : Seungshua

What you call your partner : Mr.Hong

What your partner calls you : Shorty

How your partner acts around you : He is really sweet and kind,he likes to help out a lot even though I didn't ask him too.He is easy going and is a good listener.

How you act around him : I act like myself but when he is near I act weird like my heart stops and blood rise's up to my cheeks.I think I have feelings for him but I'm not sure if it's the right time to have feelings.

How did you get picked : I got picked when someone saw me dancing gracefully in a dance studio that my friend owns and they ask if you like Svt and I said yes so here I am.

Message to the author : Can't wait for this story to start!!

Message to love interest or partner : Hi~I'm SeungHan and I would like to be your partner.

What will you do when season 1 is over?I would go back to Busan and work for my mom at her coffee shop.

Will you fall in love with your partner or someone else?If I truly love him I will pick my partner.

Password : My favorite animal are Bunny's because they are so Fluffy

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