Daryl Dixon ~ The Bartender

205 3 1

AU // Pre-Apocalypse~

852 words

Original Female Character - Amira Johnson

Amira's POV

"Damnnnnn," You hear a deep, rough voice call out to you, "hey sweet cheeks."

You sigh, smiling, and turn around to face the voice, "Hey Merle, what are ya' doin' here?"

"I need some pussy tonight." He stated boldly, smirking at you like you would help him.

You roll you eyes at him. You see, you worked at a strip club, as a bartender. Merle would come in every once in a while, when he got bored with his other toys. You took a bottle of whiskey from the top shelf and gave it over to Merle, "Here ya' go, darlin'."

"Why thank ya', Ma'am." He teased you, smirking as he walked away to where a couple women were dancing in the corner.


You totally regretted giving Merle the whole bottle. It was the first time you had, but Merle would always come up and ask for more, so instead of just doing that you, stupidly, gave him the whole thing.

Merle, in question, had yelled at a couple of the men that were watching the women dance, he had thrown chairs and had flipped over tables, and walked outside to yell at people walking by. You had to take him into the back room to calm him down. He didn't really listen to you at first, wondering why you just wouldn't fuck him, but finally calmed down a bit when you said you would get him a night with one of the gals on the stage.

"Do ya' have anyone I can call to come and get ya' outta here'?" You asked him, I mean you couldn't just keep him here. If there wasn't any other option, you would just take him to your place.

"Ahh," He sighed, thinking, when he out of no where started smiling, "there's my brother, Daryl."

"Your brother Daryl, huh," You looked at him, "is there anyway I can get a hold of 'im"

"He's out workin'," He told you, "but he'd do anything for me, he's a pussy that one."

You felt kinda bad for Merle's brother, Merle wasn't really the brotherly type. The way he talked about his brother wasn't that great.

"Well gimme his number or somethin'." You grabbed your phone and went on the dial pad thing.

"Nah," He said, leaning back on the couch he was on, "I'll jus' stay here."

You felt your anger spike for a second before calming yourself, "Merle, baby, ya' can' stay here."

"We need to try callin' your brother and to do tha', I need 'is number." You tried to tell him.

"Why do ya' wan' my brother's number so bad, ya' wanna fuck 'im or somethin'?" Merle asks, he grabs out his phone, "Here, I guess he needs something, startin' ta think he don't like pussy."

He passes you his phone and you see that it already has his brothers name on the screen. You hit the little green button, and the phone starts to ring.

It takes a while for Daryl to pick up the phone but he finally does, "Whatcha' want now, Merle?"

He sounded kind of irritated, Merle must do this a lot. "Hey, Daryl?"

He stayed silent for a moment, probably confused as to why a girl was callin' from his brother's phone, "Yeah, who's this? Did Merle get in trouble with the police again?"

You giggled a bit, "Nah, he's pretty shit-faced. He said you might'a been workin', wanted to make sure. Ya wanna come get 'im?"

"Uh...." He said slowly, "I'll be gettin' off here in about 5 minutes if you can handle 'is dumbass f'r tha' long."

"Yeah," You tell him over the phone, laughing a little, "I'm sure I'll be jus' fine."

You told him where you were, and that he could take him time."

"A'ight, I'll be there in a bit."


You didn't have to wait long, before you heard someone knock on the door. One of the dancers popped their head into the room, "Hey, someone's here for Mr. Merle there."

"Can you send him in, please?"

"Of course!" She said, enthusiastically. She's just one those girls I guess.

A few seconds later, a man walked into the room. Looking around until his eyes landed on his brother.

"Daryl!" Merle shouted, getting up and stumbling to his brother, "Ya' got here fast, lil' brother."

Daryl rolled his eyes and looked toward you. You gave a small smile,

"Thank ya' so much" You and Daryl said at the same time.

"No," He said, "thank you for callin' for 'im. Don't know wha' coulda' happened."

"Well I still thank ya, sugar." You told him, laughing lightly.

You were kind of just staring at each other until Merle ruined the mood like always,

"Well if ya' lovebirds are done being all.... Lovey Dovey, I'd like to leave."

You and Daryl turned to look at him.

"Ah, shut up, Merle." Daryl told his brother, his facing turning slightly pink.

He turned towards you, "Hey, thanks again."

I smiled at him again, "Any time."

He gave a crooked smile back, "See ya' around?"

You nodded, "See ya' around."

Then he walked out with Merle, counting down until he got to see you again without Merle ruining anything.

OKAYYYYYYYYY. So, that was the first oneshot on this story, and also like....the first one I've ever made. I hope y'all liked it, at least a little bit. It's not that good, but I hope I get better at writing soon! :D

Again, requests help if you wanna help me get better with writing :P

A/N: Updated. Fixed a couple errors. Trying to get to the next chapter! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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