-The Ending-

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You should listen to this wonderful song in repeat <3 It's just so emotional and it connects a bit with the plot! I hope you enjoy it, it's my first SebaCiel writing and English is not my native language so be patient with me. And if I have some mistakes please correct me ^-^


The thunderstorm just ended that night. That fateful night. When everything find it's end in the young Lord's revenge. When he finaly, killed his parents' murderers. He was someone unexpected, someone that Ciel, had grown a strong bond with.

His own fiance. Elisabeth Midford, along with her family.

The problem started 5 years ago in 1884, when Francis Midford, visited the Phantomhives. She had a big fight with her brother, that almost ended up in a tragic way.

Almost. And for what?

For Vincent's job as the Queen's Guard Dog. She couldn't bear it anymore. Almost every night, her brothers enemies, tried to kill her family. She didn't even sleep. Neither her husband or her eldest son, Edward. Elisabeth knew nothing, even if she were brilliant in swordsmanship.

Vincent insisted that this situation would end soon, but that never happened. Always, this man had new enemies to remind him, how much every single person in the underworld, wanted every relative of his, to find death along with him.

The two siblings fought over that. Francis, screamed that she almost died the other day because of that, and Vincent saying that even if he kill every last one of them, he would always have new enemies.

Then his sister said this: "Then quit your job as the Gurad Dog!"

Of course Vincent denied, because he couldn't just do that and besides, he didn't want to.

It was that time, that someone attacked the manor. Vincent managed to save his family but his sister contiuned to insist, in a very annoying way. He droped the subject, telling his sister that the only thing he could do, was to increase the security in the Midford manor. But for some reason, Ciel's aunt started to feel hatred, for her own brother..

Two years passed since then and all this situation was even more worse. So Francis decided one thing: If she turned against her own brother, the others would stop attacking the Midford manor. So that's what she did. In Ciel's 10th birthday, she set the fire in the Phantomhive manor, and killed Rachel and Vincent. As for Ciel, she sold him because she couldn't kill the one her daughter loved. Besides, she was running out of time in there. The thing is, that she didn't planned that the people who gave him to, will end up rape him and such...

One month after the fire when Ciel returned along with Sebastian, Francis was utterly socked. She couldn't believe that, the child escaped. But she just shout her mouth for her dauther's shake, even if she didn't want Elisabeth to marry him. After three years, Elisabeth found out everything about that, when she overheard her mother talking to her brother and she broke.

She thought that everything bad in Ciel's life was her fault. She couldn't bear it. So, she left from her home to the Sphare Music Hall.

Bravat, welcomed her with a big hug, but he planned from the beggining to bring the girl here. So, he told her about Sebastian's true nature and how her fiance, was in even more danger than she thought. After that, she tried to kill Sebastian when he arrived for an inestigation, but of course she failed.

The days passed, and the young Lord went himself to take her back. When they finally meet eatch other, Elisabeth couldn't keep that sectret anymore. So, she told him everything...

~The Ending~ [ SebaCiel ]Where stories live. Discover now