Part 5

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I'm dressed and ready to leave Phil's staying in and it's just me going out. For some reason I get anxious when I'm not with Phil, going out in London makes it worse.

I call up a taxi and grab my coat, I jump out they door after yelling " Bye, Phil!". I see my taxi outside the apartment and swing it's doors open.

"Where to?" says the driver, " oh um, just town central". We haven't been in London for long but I guess I can get to town and back fine enough. In the back of the car it's a bit of drive so I start to think about things. Have I ever felt anything for Phil? I ask my self for the millionth time, I really think about it, have I? I want to say yes but I haven't and as much as Phils my amazing friend will I?

All these question swim through my head as the car comes to a holt and the driver turns to me I look up and pass him his money. I get out the car and walk around all these shops.

I see a shop that has some of our merch, it's crazy how far I've come. I look at my arm for a moment and realise how long it's been since I cut. 9 months I think, I haven't been counting, Phil's made me so happier. Maybe I do love him...

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