Chapter #1: The Murder

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The Necklace

In a small town in Tennessee called Townsend a small girl was hiding in her closet. Her mom
and dad had been in a huge fight over her. She tries to block out the sound and the insults by feeling the smooth teal walls and the white carpet of her closet. Remembering the laughter and the smiles but, then her day dream got interrupted by the silence. For a moment she hears nothing and then a scream.

She hesitantly walks into the kitchen for fear they were still fighting and screams, "Ma!" All she could say was Ma as wails fill the shotgun trailer. Her dad stands still with fear and regret as he holds the knife. His daughter looks at him and in a small voice says "Please call for help, please mama needs you." She begins crawling onto her mother's stomach. She watches as blood pours from her mother's stomach flooding the floor around her. A noise behind her makes the small girl look up just in time to see her dad leaving them. Deciding to stay she holds her mother's head in her hands and screams "Mama please don't leave,Mama please stay." the cries' echo throughout the house escaping through the small gaps in the open window. Suddenly a woman bursts through the front door pulling the young girl from her mother. As she is pulling, the young girl tries to hold her mother's silky brown hair but looses grip due to blood. Crying she tells the woman everything stuttering at some points but making it through.

The woman quickly pulls her phone from her pocket attempting to use touch screen with blood on her hand but instead grabs the land line on a cedar wood side table next to the young girl. As the woman frantically pushes buttons the girl stares at the door waiting for her dad. The woman noticing this sits down blocking her view. The girl strokes the suede couch cushion realizing she is smearing blood she pauses then begins to stand, walks behind the strange woman and grabs her mother's necklace off of her and puts it on. The woman still speaking on the phone asks the girl for the address but instead grabs a piece of mail and begins reading the address on the front, "1-0-1 Painted Trillium Way,Townsend. Okay thank you." The woman gently sets the phone down staring at the girl. "I'm sorry to be so rude,I'm Bobby Joe but you can call me B.J, and your name is?" The young girl looks down at the locket she removed from her mother and said, "I'm Danielle but Mama calls, well called me Danny so you can call me Danny."

Miss. B.J hears commotion outside and steps out the door to check it out leaving young Danny by herself. A few minutes later Miss. B.J returns with a man who is followed by another man who steps in then steps back out. "These are police officers and they will be speaking with you." says B.J. Danny nods her head and grabs a coat. She grabbed her new coat she got from her mother about a week before, it was a navy blue with four big black buttons and a soft silk inside. She decided to hang it back up because she didn't want to get blood all over it. Danny heads back to the couch where B.J sat and sits beside her. They sit in silence until a police officer comes into the room to ask danny a few questions. B.J gets up to give them some space. "Ok,Danny right?"

"Yes sir." "Is it ok if i ask you a few questions at the police station?" Danny nods and stands up. The police officer puts Danny in the backseat and B.J on the left but, she is in handcuffs. Danny knowing what they are begins to chatter in circles talking about her christmas and her birthday yet glancing over at the cuffs after every word. The officer glancing in the rearview mirror notices her, "She's not in trouble it's just apart of the drill." Giving Danny a weak but gentle grin that sets her at ease she is quiet the rest of the ride.

Arriving at the station Danny reaches for the handle but stops when she sees the german shepherd in the SUV beside them. The light silver van SUV has blue writing that reads "K-9 unit, Nashville Police." This sparked a very vivid yet frightening memory...

The chill air of a late night stung her skin. The dew from the ground dampened her outfit. She hears commotion behind her but all she could see was the blurry trees around her. As her vision clears up she sees her brother being attacked by a german shepherd, she lunges to go help him but gets stopped by a pole hitting her in her back. The last thing seen to her that night was the van that read, "K-9 unit, Nashville Police."

The police officer opens the car door and allows Danny to leave the car. She walks around the back and into the station wear a nice man greets her at the door. "Hi," he says with big grin, " I'm investigator Tommy but you can call me Tom, and your name is?" Lowering her head she says in a soft voice,"Danny." The man smiles takes her hand and escorts her to the childrens room. She takes a seat in the bean-bag chair and grabs a teddy bear next to her. Tom leaves the room and she begins to wonder around. After a few minutes a nice young lady came in and sat down beside her offering her food, but Danny politely declines. The woman's name tag read, J-E-N-A C-O-O-K. "Hi Danny I'm Miss Jena." Lowering her head again," Hi i'm Danny." "So Danny, can you tell me exactly what happened to mommy please?" Danny explains to miss Jena everything she saw and described her father for the artist in the room,"... big brown eyes,dark blonde hair with little bits of red, scratchy face wear his beard was, tall Mama said he was six foot four I think..." When she is done the artist had the exact face of her father, Danny melts into tears saying "It's my fault mama is gone they were arguing over me." She buries her face in the teddy bear and cries even harder. The investigators leave the room to give her some space.

Later that evening Danny sees B.J. in the room next to her through a window. She walks out the room and enters B.J's room. Seeing Danny B.J stands up and gives her a hug. "I'm so proud of you, you told the police everything like a good girl. Your mom would be really proud." Danny gives B.J a squeeze and lets go. They sit and talk for a few minutes then, a police officer enters the room. "Bobby Joe Turner?" "Yes sir?" "You will be escorted to a nearby safe house with young Danny here and guarded by police. You will leave in ten." Closing the door behind him Danny lets out a sigh "We are gonna be safe." Ten minutes pass and they are headed to a safe house in the middle of Bell Buckle Tennessee. When they arrive it seems very peaceful but something has Danny on edge. "Mr. Police Officer i don't like it here at all, i don't feel safe."

The officer draws in a breathe but stops when he sees a strange man head towards the car. Danny instantly recognizes him and reaches for her lock button franticly. "Go! Go! THAT'S HIM! GO!" she screams and cries just as franticly. The police officer quickly changes gears and kicks up dust as they leave. After clearly out of sight the officer calls in the radio," Suspect found at the safe house, ten-four."

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