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"—Seo Joon and Park Hyun Sik are in it so it's truly the jackpot!" Sarang exclaims about the newest trending drama, Hwarang. 

I roll my eyes, Hwarang, the historical drama that seems to be popular for its good-looking cast. 

"Yah! Will you stop talking about Hwarang for the nth time!? Jinja..." I mutter under my breath at the end while Sarang pouts and crosses her arms. I smile discreetly at her face. 

"What? It's a drama with handsome actors! How can you not talk about it? Just imagine... having so many flower boys protect you with their sharp swords." 

"Maybe I'll take that sword and slit my own throat." A sly smile etches on my face as I mock the drama I've been hearing about nonstop, not only by Sarang, but probably by every other girl at our college.

I think about the words that just came out of my mouth. Though I was talking about Hwarang, my mind shifted to another topic and my mood suddenly darkens. 

Sarang hits my arm and I scowl while flinching, "A-aish, you need to watch it! Jinja!" I roll my eyes. I'll admit it does sound like a good drama... Not for the plethora of handsome men... but because it's historical and the plot sounds pretty interesting. I sigh as we enter the college. I wonder if life is easier at that time, where you can be a peasant who isn't forced to learn, but just has to do what she needs to do. Maybe, just maybe. 

I'm in my first year of college, in my second semester. Sarang majors in music and I'm not going to lie, I'm beginning to find a love for music as well. While she majors in that. I'm focusing on medicine and nursing, treating people to help them survive or fix their wounds is what I'd like to do. 

As for boys, I believe they're all sly and stupid. It's just my experience and I'm not looking for one either. 

"Yah, are you listening? It's time for first class!" Sarang breaks my thoughts and my eyes widen as I glance at my watch. I barely have a minute to get to my class... which is a whole separate building across campus.

"Aish! I have to run, annyeong!" I yell as I dash quickly towards the building. 

From the main building to the nursing classes there is a flower field that the college agreed not to build on to maintain the appearance of the college. I have to agree that it is my favorite thing about the campus. However today I have no choice but to run, the wind of my speed bending the flowers after my figure. 

I spot Sarang at the bench table for lunch and she waves me over. She's the only one I eat with—actually, she's my only friend here. It's not the same for Sarang however, she has many friends but only trusts me. That's the strength of our friendship. Sarang is here for me, and I will always be there for her no matter what. 

"Were you late to class?" Is the first thing she greets me with. 

I sit across from her and shake my head as I take out my packed salad. "I almost was, though... Good thing you caught me!" I cheekily smiled. Sarang always kept me in reality, ever since I was in high school I was always made fun of because I daydreamed during classes. But between Sarang and I, I was more emotionally and physically stronger. I protected her and fought anyone who was out for her.

Suddenly a group of girls at the table beside us start squealing and screaming excited at one phone laying at their table. I stab my salad and stuff my mouth while glaring at them. Why don't they find a more faraway table? They're so loud. 

Sarang starts giggling. I snap my head towards her and she covers her mouth as she looks at me, "Ah, it really is everywhere. It's like the world is telling you to watch it."

"Yah, it's really annoying! Is it really that important?"

A girl from the group hears me and chimes in, "They're prettier than most girls! Cheongmal!" She smiles at me. I slightly smile back and nod, as if that finally helps me understand their love for the drama. 

Another girl replies, "Yah, and they're wearing a long-haired wig too, how can you beat that?" 

The first girl smacks the other and laughs, "Are you trying to say I'm ugly? Yah." The group goes back to their own thing and I turn back to Sarang. 

"Arasseo, I guess I'll watch it tonight," I say.

Her eyes beam and she gets excited, "Jinja! Tonight is a good time too! I heard there's a storm so it'll be the perfect night to get comfortable in your bed and binge-watch."

I hold up my hand to smack her, "Yah. you're really expecting this..." 

I finally get home from school and kick off my shoes. Sarang doesn't have to drive back home because she already lives in a dorm... for financial reasons. I was born into a rich family, which I truly hate. Speaking of rich... Wasn't there something I had to do tonight?

"Ah!" I say out loud, " The arranged dinner..." I exhale as I remember. 

I'm going to be in an arranged marriage. 

This aggravates me as I stomp to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I go on my phone decide to play the Hwarang soundtrack just to feel the drama out. One song plays and I've instantly gravitated towards it. I start singing along and the music is so bittersweet and sad. 

I put the song on repeat and I start memorizing the words as I get ready for the dinner. As I look in the mirror, the slower I put my makeup on. Then, I find myself in the reflection. 

I don't want to get married. Not to someone I don't know. 

My heart sinks as I think of my parent's opinions, they don't care about what I want, this is for their company, it's all a show,  and I'm their main puppet. Does that man feel the same way too? Does he feel suffocated like I am? Does he want to give up on his life because he thinks death is a better option? 

Suddenly this isn't about the marriage. This is about everything my parents have been doing to me. My life has been nothing but a pre-painted picture. The only contribution to this painting that isn't from my parents is Sarang. Tears start to roll down my eyes and I begin to sob. The song continues to play and I start whispering the lyrics. 

"I wish I could live in another world," I say as I look up in the mirror, my makeup withering down my face, "Please... just this once, let me disappear and forget all my problems." 

I close my eyes tightly and slam on the vanity before storming out. I don't put on my shoes. I don't grab my bag. 

I get in the car and drive to the nearest bridge. 

I'm done with this fake life I'm living. I'm going to college for nothing, my parents are setting me up in business while I dream to become a nurse. My parents are forcing me to be with someone I don't want for the sake of their lives. My parents are controlling me as if I'm a precious doll. 

I wonder what they'll do when their doll disappears. 

I park near the curb and I run towards the ledge, the song stuck in my head and I'm humming it, singing it, belting it out as I sob. 

"... Like dreaming a sad dream, falling into deep sleep." I say before I close my eyes. 

Then I let myself drop. 

A/N: Annyeonghaseyo! I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy the drama hwarang! - SoldmySeoul

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