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Dear diary,
How can love be a thing people believe in? It's like a myth, like the tooth fairy. You reach a certain age then all of the truths come flooding out! I have known for many years that I cannot be loved. That live just doesn't suit me but I still think about Damien. I still think about how he feels towards me.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new start some would say. For me it's just another day in this life, in this hell, not being able to show my true colours or inner feelings without being judged by society! How to cope? Well depending on your coping mechanisms, they may vary but mine, mine can end in one little swipe!

Labels are everywhere in society. Friendship labels, group labels, music labels. You have to have a certain label to fit in and lucky for me, I don't have one! I am what people call 'depressed' or an emo or goth. Just because I am different to them doesn't mean that I don't have feelings too. They always ask me if I've spoken to Satan recently or if I've broken any sharpeners. Damien understands me but not all the time. He's known, he's liked but when it's just us two alone, he's the Damien I grew up with, the Damien that comes out from behind the shield.
He visits regularly but he's always out with his friends. His friends that push me into lockers, threaten me with words and I can't tell a living soul because no one will believe the little, depressed, emo freak!
Sometimes I wonder why society is so messed up and why I had to be born in this time! Do I have a purpose? Am I here to be everyone's punching bag? Well it seems like it! Write how the school day goes tomorrow diary.

Word count:409
Yes I know I've wrote this in all the other books I've punished today without the use of copy and paste but my life has been really busy lately due to school and how tired I am.

Yes I did have writers block and please send me any chapters or future book ideas please as my mind has reached the point where I can only think if I have a black piece of paper and a pencil to draw laid out in front of me.
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