The assassins can love? Chapter 9

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Damiens Pov:

I sigh as i wake up, another day trying to win over my angel.

After last night, im not gonna take as long as originally planned to win her over, i need the mating process to hurry up.

It would be so much easier if she was a werewolf but i wouldnt change my mate for the world.

Ive been doing everything almost robotically this morning while i was lost in my thoughts-i think, because im already at school.

As soon as i get out of my car im surrounded by the 'popular' crowd. Thats what being an Alpha does to you here.

I walk over to Alex while some slut tries to get my attention my hanging off my arm. I look and see that he is in the same situation as me.

I turn to face Brittany, or was it Hailey? I dont know.

My only thought as she tried to kiss me was,

Alexs Pov:

'I wish that was my mate.'

Thats all i could think as this slut Donna, or was it Kate i dont know, wouldnt leave me alone.

Of course my Morgan wouldnt be this pathetic and needy. She could take care of herself. I already knew that.

I grimaced in pain at the memory. Damn that girl can throw a punch.

I headed into first period with Damien, which we share with our mates, but only to find that their seats and their brothers were empty.

Where were they today?

All day was the same and by the time it was lunch, I was worried. I mean what if something happend to her? What if shes in danger? What if-

But Damien cut off my mental rant. 'Dude chill. Im sure shes fine they might just be busy thats all with being new. But i do think this all feels slightly off. After school we'll go look for them.'

'Ok man thanks.' i reply feeling slightly more at ease than before.

Emmas Pov:

We entered the building after typing in the security code (which i found with my amazing hacker skills!).

Me and morgan shared a look. We were both thinking the same thing. Time to put our awesome ninja skills to use.

She did a cartwheel over the lasers and landed inbetween the two sets in the splits. I did a ninja roll under the first lot then we both did backflips over the second set of lasers at the same time.

For one mission we had to do cheerleading. Only one thing to say about that. Im never going blonde again.

"Stop showing off and be quiet you idiots we need to make our grand entrance soon." Matt whisper yelled.

Ryan just turned around and deactivated the lasers then walked with Matt over to us.

"You just take all the fun out of things." Morgan pouted.

"Guys split up and on three lets let them know we're here." i decided.

Various 'kay's and yep's were heard in response.

We all moved by an entrance each and as there were four guys to kill-we decided to take one each.

At the present i had cameras installed in the room and we each had a watch on which showed you what the cameras saw.

"One...two...three!" we all barged in and shot the men.

"BANG!!!!" four shots all rang out at once with clean blows to the temple.

"What the fuck is going on here!" we (me and Morgan) heard our two very shocked mates yell from the doorway.


Damiens Pov:

Huh? Where am i? Last thing i remember me and Alex were following our mates and their brothers when we heard a gun shot and it all went fuzzy.

Holy shit were we shot?

'Alex can you hear me man?' i ask through the mind link.

'Yeah dude and dont worry we wern't shot just knocked unconcious, although i dont know how...' he replys.

'i think i remember we were following our mates-' i start,

'-then they shot some people...' Alex finishes.

I get out of my car (weird i know) and meet Alex by the big oak tree we sometimes sit under.

"Man i cant remember shit." Alex mumbles seeming to have the same problem with a headache like me.

"Me either maybe we should just confront them about it in the morning?" i suggest.

"Good idea now i think i need to go see the pack doctor you coming with?" he asks me.

"Sure i feel like ive been hit by a plane and beaten up with a baseball bat and frying pan for two days straight!" i exclaim.

"You've got one jacked up mind man i pity your mate!!" he laughs at me.

"Same for your mate i mean shes got to look at you her whole life!" i joke.

"Haha very funny man." he grumbles sarcastically.

"i know thanks!" i say acting as if i didnt notice the sarcasm.

Wow our mates sure are going to have a hell of a lot to put up with......

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