The assassins can love? Chapter 10

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Morgan Pov:

God i hope they dont remember anything when they wake up. It was especially hard to knock them out and make sure they didnt see anything because they're werewolves.

No doubt they'll be asking questions tomorrow. Maybe we can just convince them it was a dream.

"Hey come on we're gonna be late for school!" Emma yells from downstairs.

"Okay okay im coming dont get your knickers in a twist!" i shout back.

"Oh haha very funny." she says dryly. I walk down stairs and notice that its only me and Emma here today.

"Wheres everyone?" i ask her.

"Well, Ryan and Matt already left, my parents are on a mission, your parents are helping everyone else settle in and john has just left to go to a meeting with the Alpha." She says, in between mouthfulls of cereal.

"Now, come on we're late as it is and we have to deal with our mates suspicions today."

We walk into the garage and hop on our bikes. We speed to school and Emma says, "Two minutes 'til the bell."

"You go on ahead, i'll catch you up." i say.

"You sure? I dont need to be called to the principles office yet again for your behaviour." she replies.

"Since when do you care if i get in trouble?" i ask.

"Good point, see you later. Do whatever you like just dont get expelled." she teases then walks off.

I decide to explore a little because my first class today is Math and im not exactly jumping with joy to get there on time.

I walk down a hallway when im pulled into an empty classroom. Someone shoves me up against the wall with their hand pinned against my throat

"What do you want bitch?" i ask the lifesize plastic barbie doll in front of me.

"Stay away from Alex, he's mine." she attempts to scare me.

I burst out laughing. So hard that i turn red in the face. Is that really why shes threatening me?

"Look whore, i dont want Alex, you can have him. Although, i dont think he'd want someone as fake as you." i exclaim, still laughing.

"Just stay away from him if you know whats good for you." she sneered at me. Her hand tightening around my throat. Stupid werewolves. Always acting on their emotions.

I grabbed her arm and pinned it behind her back. Then i shoved her face first into the wall. "I dont care who you are, but you will not threaten me. I doubt someone as weak as you could hurt me anyway. The only thing you hurt is my eyes from having to look at you while you tried to scare me." i say. The amount of venom in my voice even sacring me a bit.

"Now leave me alone before you end up in hospital. Got that slut?" i ask, in exactly the same tone.

She noddes frantically and i release her. She runs out the classroom and dissapears. Then i hear the bell ring.

Huh. Time flies when you're arguing with the pathetic eh? Well its second period already. No use going back to Maths.

I walk out into the hall and look for one of my friends. They're nowhere in sight. Just my look.

I start going in a random direction but bump into two girls. We all get knocked over and i stand up first and offer them my hands.

"Sorry i knocked you guys over im new i dont know where im going just yet!" i exclaim, feeling bad for bumping into them.

"No worries, its cool. Hey did you say you're new? Im Becky and this is Abi, want us to show you around?" the one on the left asks, rather enthusiastically.

"Uhh sure if you dont mind my names Morgan but can you help me find my friends first-or at least one of them. We're all new." i say back.

"Okay, what do they look like?" the smaller one asks. Abi, thats her name.

"Well my bestie Emma is kinda short, shes wearing demin blue jeans, a white and red top, black boots-"i start but she cuts me off with,

"Umm Morgan, i think shes behind you."

I turn around and see that she is. "Emma this is Becky and Abi." i say. Introducing them.

"Well then shall we go to lunch? Its this way to the canteen but we always eat outside." says Becky.

"Yeah sure!" we all agree. When we get outside, we find a big tree and sit under. Ive jut closed my eyes when something (or somethings) big block the sun.

I open my eyes and sit up. Infront of me is Matt, Ryan, the dude who i punched the other day, and the one who Emma kicked in the balls.

"You going to introduce us to your friends then." a very masculin and sexy voice says.

Abi snorts, "We dont want you scaring then off, but fine. Emma, Morgan, this is my brother Alex and Beckys brother Damien. Guys, these are our new friends Emma and Morgan. They just moved here."

"Lovely to meet you." said that same voice from before. The voice that sends shivers down my spine. Alex.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your friends" Becky says, mocking Alex.

"This is Matt and Ryan our new friends. Guys these are our sisters Becky and Abi, and their friends Emma and Morgan." introduces another voice who im guessimg belongs to Damien.

"Hey where you guys been we aint seen you since this morning?" i ask our brothers.

"Thats cause we do have different classes to you." Says Ryan in a duh tone.

"You guys know eachother?" asks Becky, in an unusual voice. Jelousy?

"We should do, we live with them!" Emma exclaims.

"Hang on, im confused. Are you guys going out or something?" asks Abi slightly dissapointed.

"GOD NO!!!" the four of us scream together gaining odd looks from everyone around us.

"Matts my twin-" starts Emma.

"-and Ryans my older brother." i finish.

"Oohhh." they all reply. Sounding relieved? God their emotions are so confusing. Or maybe its just me? Nahh they're the ones with jacked up emotions.

"Hey can we talk to you guys for a second? We'll be right back." says Damien. Him and Alex dragging their sisters off into the woods.

That just left the four of us. Thats when i realised. God! How could i be so stupid?

Alex and Damien are mine and Emmas mates. They're werewolves. Becky and Abi are their sisters. Therefore also werewolves. Matt and Ryan said something about their mates being called Becky and Abi. The only Becky and Abi i know are sister with our mates and we just befriended them.

Oh dear god. We're in deep shit now...

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