4 Weeks

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After a happy year of being married, Nico came to me while I was making breakfast one Saturday morning, hugged me from behind, and said, "I think I want kids."

I stopped buttering my toast and turned in his embrace, "What?"

"You know, tiny humans. I want some."


"Yes, William, children." When I didn't say anything, he sighed. "Will, I could die tomorrow for all I we know and I don't want to go without living the life I want with the man of my dreams."

I frowned, "Don't you dare say that! You'll be fine! And I was just surprised that's all! Of course I want to have children with you!"

He narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure? I was kidding. If you aren't ready we can wait━"

"No, I want children too. Honestly, I've been thinking about it, I just wasn't sure how to bring it up to you." I cupped his face and kissed him. Without letting go of his face, I said. "Let's continue building our family."

The smile he gave that day was one of the brightest I had ever seen. It was beautiful. Immediately after breakfast, we started searching online who we could talk to or where we could go to discuss us adopting kids. Halfway through we realized our little apartment wouldn't be enough to house a child. There was one bedroom and we couldn't put the kid in there with us.

We decided if we were really going to do this, we needed a bigger place. Next thing we knew, we had a bout fifty tabs open on Nico's laptop looking through real estate agents and houses near our area. Around lunchtime, we decided on a real estate agent to call. We were pleasantly surprised to know they were available right away if we wanted to see the houses that day. We agreed and changed. Fifteen minutes later, we were buying a quick lunch from Subway before heading to the address the real estate agent had provided.

The agent was already there when we got there. She smiled when she saw us and shook our hands, introducing herself again as Sparrow. "Nice to meet you two. This is the first of five houses I have to show you around this area. So shall we head in?"

We nodded and followed her in. She gave a tour of the house and talked a little about its history and previous owners. When we were done, she let us know the price. It was not something we could afford at the time and we didn't really like it so it was okay. We moved onto the next houses. The second one was way ugly, we didn't even go in, we just left to the third. The third, now that one was great. It was affordable, a decent sized backyard. Three rooms, two bathrooms and a really cute kitchen. It was perfect. We almost decided on it right then and there but Sparrow asked us to keep an open mind there were two houses left and we might even like one of the others more than that one. So we saw the other two. The fourth was alright but it didn't seem right for us. The fifth was actually nice too. It cost almost the same as the third but this one had four bedrooms. But in the end, the third house was what we wanted. We returned, saw it again and went through the paperwork. Two weeks later, we were moving in.

 Two weeks later, we were moving in

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