December 3rd

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Let me tell you about the day Nico proposed to me first.

We had been together for about a year and a half. We had just graduated and we were about to move in together. We had found a cute affordable apartment and took the chance to move in together.

The day  he proposed we had gone out to celebrate me getting an internship I had really wanted. It was a late spring night and we had just finished up dinner at our favourite Italian restaurant.  

Nico took a hold of my hand, "Let's take a walk in the park."

Because I couldn't deny him anything, I said, "Okay." But then I looked up at the sky. It was nearing summer but all day I had seen clouds sneaking up on us. One last night of spring rain was on the way. "Nico, are you sure? It could rain."

"I'm not scared of the rain, Solace. Let it come." Satisfied with his answer, I didn't say anything else and let him lead me to the park.

Once there, we leisurely walked down the center path. We were in no hurry, just happy to be spending time with one another. At one point, Nico came closer and laid his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him, keeping him close. We walked that way for some time. Then Nico took a deep breath and moved away from me, his hand went to his pocket and he stopped me. It started to sprinkle. "I have something I want to ask you."

Not thinking he was going to propose, I got worried. Like any other couple, we argued and I thought it might have to do with something like that. What if he thought we should break up? But I couldn't have been further from the truth. "Yeah, go ahead."

Nico was nervous now, he fidgeted with whatever was in his pocket. The rain started coming down a little faster. "We've been━"

"Watch out!" Someone yelled from our right and we both looked in time to see a big fluffy dog running at us excitedly.

Nico and I jumped apart to different sides of the path and ended up on our butts on the grass. The dog jumped on me, licked me once and continued running away. The owner ran by and chuckled, but didn't stop as she said, "Sorry guys! Stan still thinks he's a puppy!" And then she was gone as she rounded the corner after Stan.

I stood and dusted off my butt and went over to Nico and held out my hand. When he took it and I pulled him up, it had started raining completely. I looked up to see the rain fall and then at him. "You're sure you aren't worried about getting sick?"

He shook his head, "That doesn't matter." He got serious and met my gaze. "Will," he got down on one knee and my heart sped up. He pulled out a ring from his pocket, " You know that I love you more than anyone, will you marry me?"

I remember being so surprised, all I could do for a couple minutes was stare at him. I forgot it was raining and all I could feel was the immense amount of love I held for him. I think I may have even started crying but I don't remember because my vision was already blurry from the rain and nothing could distort my vision of him. But once everything processed, as much as it could in my overly happy brain, I nodded, "Yes. Yes." He smiled and slipped on the ring. I got him to his feet a second time and kissed him. After the kiss, we were both giggling like schoolgirls. Up until that moment in time, that became the happiest day of my life.

We spent a week letting everyone know we were engaged and once everyone knew, we decided on the wedding day. When we told everyone, we had also asked what day would work for them and that's how we chose. December third. We actually wanted the day we started dating but since that would fall on a weekday, not everyone we wanted to be there would be able to make it so the closest we could do was December third. After moving into the apartment we chose and settling in, we started planning.

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