Remebering the 1st Time

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My first day of college, I was heading to my dorm after classes when I bumped into a guy with the darkest eyes I had ever seen. But it wasn't just that. He was the most beautiful guy I had ever laid eyes on. I apologized, not wanting to anger the cute guy, but all he did was glare at me. I remember lifting my hands in surrender and him rolling his eyes and continuing on his way. I was smiling as he walked away.

That was the first time I had ever seen Nico di Angelo.

Wanting to see the gorgeous stranger again, I kept an eye out for him the next day and discovered he was in one of my classes. He sat at the very back and came in after me. I decided that was the reason I hadn't noticed the handsome man the day before. I wanted to approach him but I got self conscious. So that day, I let him leave and tried to ignore how much I wanted him to notice me.

When I was having lunch, my friends noticed I was distracted and not paying attention to them.

"Will," Cecil poked my arm, "dude, why aren't you listening to our awesome story of art class?"

I looked at him, "Hmm? I am."

Lou Ellen crossed her arms, "Oh yeah? Then what did I just say?"

"You and Cecil drew something?"

Cecil ignored my response, "Why are you so distracted?"

"No reason." I shrugged to look casual. Even while they both looked suspicious about it, they dropped it.

I still looked for him whenever I could. When I was heading back to class, I saw him eating with a girl. I wondered if they were dating. If they were, how long they had been together. I obsessed over it for an entire week until I overheard the girl calling herself the most logical of best friends.

That night the three of us, Cecil, Lou and I, decided we wanted pizza so while they stayed in my and Cecil's dorm, I went out to buy some. On the way back I saw Nico and the girl, who's name I learned that night to be Reyna. They were going into my dorm building. I ended up on the same elevator as them but Nico never took notice of me. They got off on a floor before mine.

Over the next two years that I never talked to him, I would end up on the elevator with him and on our second year of college, we still shared a class. But still, I didn't talk to him. I pinned for him from far away. And when I saw him with another blond, a jock it seemed, I wondered again if they were dating and if they were for how long. I soon learned the blond was in a relationship, but not with him. He was dating a pretty kaleidoscopic eyed dancer. They made quite a pair.

Fast forward to the day I finally spoke to him. It was in September of junior year of college.

So this was three weeks into the school year. We again had a single class together. Since the first day of school, I had intended to talk to him. Every day before that class, I would tell myself that I would talk to him that day but never did. But on that day, I was determined to finally sprak to him. But he never showed up to class. I didn't see him throughout the day either. Not even going back to my dorm. I saw Reyna a couple times and debated asking her about him but I reminded myself I didn't know either of them so it would be weird to ask.

It wasn't until that night when I went out for pizza that I saw him. When I was halfway through ordering two pizzas, he came in and ordered his own. I faltered through my order when I saw him come up next to me with the other cashier. He took notice and sent me a weird look. I blushed and looked away, resuming my order. The exchange was so quick, the cashier hadn't even noticed. I was blushing through the rest of my order.

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