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I awake in a cold sweat darkness shrouding me in mystery painn stabbing at my heart. All I remember from my  past is my name and why I'm hunted. Yep you heard me right hunted like an animal and who are my hunters you may ask. Well they are the teachers basically equal to demon spawns when it comes to wickedness and as persistant as a heat seeking missle with even more danger. The reason I'm hunted is what I bet more than half of you can guess powers. These powers though don't make us super heroes just trophies for the teachers to capture and hold on display. Now our powers weren't just poof magically there they were genetically given as in inserted into us. We got these powers from the demon spawns themselves, the teachers had injected dozens of kids with these powers to test what would happend if kids were given such amazing powers.

     I look around now confused and loosing hope the longer I stay in this sickening cage. *Bang* . I hear the small clang and look up only to have piercing blue eyes looking down at me. "Hello?" I say curious to how this shadowy figure would respond. When it did speak it stunned me cause as it said "Hurry up idiot," I knew it was a girl. A girl? How could it possobly be a girl this place was secured with tons of guards and traps. How could this girl get past all this even if she wad a Humanoid like me and had powers the crystal behind the entrance wouldvr nuetralized her powers. This girl seemed intriguing so as she cut the chains and I stood up I observed her actions. She had pitch black long hair and a small blue jacket over a purple t-shirt. She also had ripped jeans meaning either she was on the run or she cut them herself. She eyed me probably sizing me up or something then started walking for the door. I followed cautiously seeing knocked out guards and traps used up everywhere, she had done a thorough job. We walk slowly cautiously for the door and for once I felt hope that I could regain my freedom. That hope was crushed when the alarm started ringing throughout the whole School. So much for a nice calm exit. So even before I get even a taste of freedom I'm already on the run.

     I run into the hall way already sweating and see the girl turn around and smile at me. Then when I saw her face I instantly knew who it was it was my childhood friend Jay standing there smiling. I smirk at her saying "took you long enough" we both laugh then start running again. we were getting really close to the final floor to our escape when I hear "Halt stay where you are". Since when do you ever stop when the evil guy yells stop seriously no one does that. We were so close to the exit I could feel the fresh air and that's when it hit me.

    When I say it hit me I mean it actually hit me and by it I mean one of those idiotic teachers bullets. I limp out the final gate well limp isnt really what it was more like dragging. As Jay dragged me as fast as she could the teachers finally gave up the chase muttering curse words as they walked away. The pain and blood loss finally got to me and I blacked out. Although I don't remember much I do remember Jay being as sweet as she is picking me up smiling down at me as I blacked out.               

end of chapter one.

Hey guys this is just part of my idea for an amazing story comment if you want me to continue. Thx guys :-D

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