Chapter 2 part 2

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Jay's POV

The sight I saw was gut-wrenching.  Jason lay on the cold earth his hair frayed and messy and his eyes closed. What surrounded him though was what really sent chills down my spine because they were my worst nightmares. Wearing

their black suits and dark glasses were the teacher my worst nightmares and greatest fears. Those demon spawn were trying to snatch up Jason. My Jason! At least I thought he mightve been mine. Though even the teachers weren't my real problem I'd seen them before on my search through the multiple schools though out this blasted planet. What really terrified me was not the demon spawns but the devil himself, The Headteacher, walking over to Jason's unconcious sprawled out body a creepy smug grin on his ugly face. The Headteacher was a man in his mid 30's, silver haired, and if not for his black heart quite handsome. Not to mention that the man was british which made him seem cooler I'm always a sucker for british accents. I don't know what it is about british villians but their just much eviler than other villians. I watch gritting my teeth as the head teacher kicks Jason in the side saying, "Stupid kid." I slip out one of my daggers it glittering in the  summer sunlight. I grip my excellently crafted blade and shoot across the field my anger bubbling inside of me. I see one of the hideous pick Jason up carefully and I decide he will be the first one to taste steel. As I'm about to plunge my blade into the fat neck of one of the teachers my blade is stopped by another. I look into the cold piercing blue eyes of the Headteacher. His grin making me want to wretch at the very sight of it. He steps in between me and the other teachers as they run off. So just like that Jason is taken from me by them. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and grip my knife knowing what I must do

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