Returning Home

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Sehun had spent seven full days in the hospital at all. Luhan had been by his side through the whole week, no matter how often Sehun had told him to leave. Sehun hated to admit it but he became used to the soft hearted boy being by his side.

Finally the day came when Sehun was allowed to leave the hospital and go home. He still had to lay in bed and he had to visit a doctor every two days but he was kind of glad that he'd be back into his house, where he felt way more comfortable. He had already given up in telling Luhan that he shall leave him alone, he just wouldn’t listen to him. So when the doctor had his last check up on Sehun done it was Luhan who waited on the outside to take him back to his home.

When they left the hospital together, Luhan watched the guy next to him carefully that he wouldn’t take it too far and risk his health. Sehun seemed to be totally healed again but Luhan was a very sensitive guy and he realised it every time when Sehun quickly sucked in air or when his eyes slightly twitched in pain. He was really brave but Luhan was worried. As well he was worried because throughout the whole week he hadn’t seen Sehuns parents once and to be honest he had been spending all day and night in the hospital with Sehun. Though yet he didn’t want to ask the taller guy directly.

Luhan wanted to go by bus or anything else but Sehun had convinced him that he'd be able to walk. He really wouldn’t want to admit it but with Luhan around Sehun started to feel comfortable. He hated it, he seriously did. He'd end up alone again. He couldn’t understand why this simply adorable nice boy would spend his time with Sehun who still wasn’t acting any nicer towards Luhan.

Reaching the mansion where Sehun had spent his whole life inside of, he glanced over to Luhan, standing in front of the gates, his mouth slightly opened, his eyes shining in excitement as if he had never seen such a huge house. Sehun couldn’t help but he quietly chuckled. It was too adorable how stunned the shorter boy was. The way his lips were slightly parted and this shining that had finally returned to his eyes. He continued to walk, glancing back at Luhan as he told him to follow.

Luhan shyly walked after Sehun, he didn’t quite understand why he should follow but he just did so. He was kind of afraid that Sehuns parents sure were inside. He slightly frowned by the thought of them. Luhan really didn’t like them. How could they just leave their son in hospital and not coming to visit him. Not even once. If he hadn’t been there Sehun would have been all alone. Luhan really began to understand how Sehun could have grown that cold. This happened when he was all alone, maybe his whole life. Luhan felt the sudden urge to hug the boy who walked in front of him but he held back. Sehun wouldn’t like it and he wouldn’t want to do anything that'd make him feel uncomfortable again.

Sehun entered the house, a small smile on his lips, he then turned back to look out for Luhan who was quietly following all the time. He watched him enter, his light pink hair which was again fluffy and softly falling over his forehead, his eyes that had this shining back that he loved to watch so much. As a noise was heard from a room to their left Sehun could see Luhan flinch and rush his head towards the direction. He tried to calm the other guy down by telling him that this was only their employee doing his work.

When Sehun had told Luhan about their employee he was even more impressed. Again he thought of Sehuns parents. They couldn’t be absent again. So he carefully attempted to ask Sehun about his parents, but he only received a cold answer, telling him that they aren’t home yet. Luhan sighed and again he felt bad for the other one. Sehun just shrugged it off when Luhan tried to say how sorry he felt.

Sehun had already been sure that this question would come up sooner or later and he didn’t want to answer it. His parents had never been there, if he was honest he barely knew anything about them like their favourite colour. He laughed ironically and made his way upstairs to go to his room. When he looked back he saw Luhan still standing in the lobby, like a lost child. His expression stayed the same but he again felt this urge to go over and hug the tiny guy, to protect him and to never let anyone hurt him. Again he brushed off that feeling. It began to annoy him. He disliked it to feel that way, he wasn’t weak like that. He had always considered feelings to be a sign of weakness.

Since Luhan didn’t seem to be following him, Sehun asked him if he'd stand down their forever. As soon as he had asked that, he could see a light blush appear on his cheeks and he stuttered around, too embarrassed to answer properly. Sehun quietly sighed and shook his head, which caused him a bad pain flushing through his head like someone would have hit him with a baseball bat or something. When he opened his eyes again, blinking, he found himself  lying on the couch. He took a look around, realising that he was in the living room, didn’t he go upstairs? Just then he realised that his head was resting on Luhans lap. Yet it was his time to blush and he prayed that the other one wouldn’t notice it.

Luhan who had just seen Sehun shaking his head and suddenly sinking to the ground had been running up the stairs. He wasn’t sure what to do so he just had picked him up, wondering how light he actually was and decided to carry him to the couch he had seen downstairs. The only thing he knew was that he should lay him down on something more comfortable than the stairs. As he had reached the room, which he could figure out as the living room, he carefully lied Sehun down. Then he sat down next to him, taking Sehuns head in his hands softly and placed it on his lap. Luhan carefully caressed the other boys silver-dyed hair, stroking it out of Sehuns forehead. He waited, quite worried until he would open his eyes again, though he looked so young and innocent when he was sleeping. Like an angel. Luhan suddenly caught himself staring at those well-formed lips, imagining to place his lips on them. Quickly he shook his head, scolding himself for having those kind of thoughts. Finally the unconscious boys eyes were twitching and he slowly opened them, a bright blush appearing on his cheeks when he realised his situation. Luhan couldn’t help himself, that was really lovely. The way how Sehuns eyes slightly widened and how he immediately grew a bright blush.

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