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After Luhan had finished, he still had buried his face against the chest of Sehun. He didn’t mean to bother the younger one with his story. He already had enough of his own problems to deal with but when he wanted to apologize he was shut up by Sehun who just shook his head.

Sehun didn’t want Luhan to apologize for anything. He had helped him so much and it didn’t bother him at all. He actually felt kind of bad because Luhan stayed with him all the time and had a smile on his lips mostly, always trying his best to cheer the younger boy up. Luhan always was that lifely and cheerful, not just once it came to his mind that maybe he had experienced the bad sides of life as well.
Without a word he got up from the couch, signing Luhan to stay right where he was.

For about fifteen minutes, there were roaming noises coming from the kitchen, after some mumbled curses Sehun yelled that everything was alright and he'd be back soon. So after almost half an hour, a quite exhausted Sehun came out of the kitchen, making his way back to the couch while he carried two tins with sugar sweet peaches. That was what he used to eat when he was sad and alone in the mansion, so he decided to give some to the other boy, who was still sitting on the couch. Yet Luhan had pulled his knees to his chest, silently hugging them and his vision turned towards the way to the kitchen, simply waiting for Sehuns return. He was quite astonished when he saw the younger one with those tins of peaches, returning to the couch where he plopped down next to the elder.

They still didn’t talk and quietly each of them ate. When both had finished Sehun had turned on the TV and leaned back. Though none of the two boys said a word, it wasn’t awkward at all. It was a peaceful silence with only the TV noises to be heard. Almost the whole day passed by like that. No  one of them felt like having lunch, so they just skipped it.
At sometime in the afternoon they were talking again, though it was different this time. When usually Luhan was the one talking most of the time it was Sehun this time who began to talk about the most random things, causing Luhan to laugh from time to time.

In the evening it was like usual. Not quite though. It was more lively and it was this  evening when Luhan could hear the laugh of the younger one for the first time.
Sehun sat on the kitchen counter and watched how Luhan rushed around in the kitchen, preparing Kimchi for their dinner. Sehun didn’t like it at first when Luhan brought some from a restaurant not far away but when it was self-made by Luhan, Sehun used to eat a lot of it.
He was slightly dangling his legs, almost able to reach the floor from the up the counter, when he watched the older boy carry a pot of water. Before Luhan realised it, he lost his balance and had to let go of the pot, to grab the table to his right so he won't fall. When the pot hit the ground, Sehun slightly jumped, startled by the loud noise afterwards his glance went over to Luhan who was still grabbing onto the table, a somewhat shocked expression on his face. Sehun couldn’t help himself anymore but to laugh out loud, which made the elder one quickly glance up and soon they were both laughing. Luhan just because finally he was able to hear Sehun laugh, a real laugh not some bitter or cold one but a real laugh.

Luhan had finally managed to finish their Kimchi and quietly they now sat on the couch eating their dinner. They didn’t bother from the first day to eat on the table in the kitchen. Both felt way more comfortable when they sat on the couch, curled up under a blanket. After they finished they placed their plates or bowls on the small couch table. Sometimes Sehun got up to pick a DVD to watch or they watched stupid shows on TV. It was a totally relaxed atmosphere. Except when they were watching any scary movies, which the younger one used to pick. Luhan was older, yes, but he didn’t like to watch horror movies. He was quite scared and used to hide his face behind his hands.
Just today, Sehun again put one of those DVD's in the player. Soon Luhan had hid his face again.

Sehun was quite surprised when felt slim fingers, hastily slide around his hand. He slightly glanced over to Luhan, who was just staring at the screen with slightly widened eyes. Sehun would have laughed but the fact that his fingers were now entwined with Luhans, made him all confused. He could again feel a light blush appear. He already had given up on pretending that the other one didn’t mean anything to him but still he wasn’t sure about how to explain what he felt. He wasn’t supposed to have feelings like that.

Luhan had grabbed the younger ones hand as in reflex and as soon as he realised what he just did, he was sure that Sehun would pull his hand away or anything but to his surprise nothing like that happened. When he slightly looked to his left, he thought he had seen the boy with the silver hair blush but because of the only light in the room, coming from the TV he wasn’t quite sure. His heart literally skipped a beat when Sehun slightly squeezed his hand in return. Luhan tried to not think that much but just to enjoy this moment. This wouldn’t have to mean anything, would it? When he was still halfway caught in his thoughts and halfway watching the movie, he could feel a light weight against his side. By taking another look to his left, he could see the younger one leaning against his shoulder with closed eyes and his breath going calmly.

It went the same every night. Luhan wouldn’t leave before Sehun had fallen asleep and he had brought him up into his room, laying him down on his bed and placing the blanket over him, so he wouldn’t get cold later at night. Luhans gaze went to the face of the sleeping boy, slightly he brushed off some of the teal- coloured hair from his forehead and after he had leaned closer, whispering a thank you into the younger’s ear, he quietly left the house.

With a sigh Luhan closed the door behind him and ruffled his light pink hair. He would have to return home now, if he wanted or not. He just hoped that this guy wouldn’t already be there yet. She said soon, not today so he'd still have some time. While he walked through the pitch black night, the streets lightened up by the dim street lights, he switched on his phone. It already was twenty minutes past midnight. About another ten minutes later, he arrived at his home. It wasn’t nearly as huge as Sehuns mansion. Actually it was just a small apartment but it always had been enough for him and his mother.
When he had opened up the door, he made his way towards his room as quiet as possible. But when he almost had reached it, he heard footsteps behind him. Turning around he expected to see his mother but instead he looked up to a quite tall guy. There were leaving his hopes to still have time left. Seeing the obviously faked smile of the man, he already knew he wouldn’t like him.

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