On a trip

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When Sehun opened his eyes, he was freezing cold. With a quick glance to his side he already knew why. He was alone in the bed, Luhan must be up already. He thought of that trait as quite impressive. The elder always tended to get up that early, not having any struggles to move out of bed, even if it was just seven in the morning. After he stretched and had yawned widely, Sehun decided to follow Luhan and get up. Barely able to open his eyes properly he was on his way to the bathroom, it only took him about fifteen minutes at all, to shower and put on pants. Still he used to sleep only in his boxers, sometimes wearing a shirt but he preferred to sleep shirtless.
He spent quite long to search for the sweater he had left in the bathroom yesterday, planning to wear it that day but it was no where to be seen. The disappeared sweater confused him but since it was warm inside the mansion he didn’t bother to go back to his room and grab another. Luhan was his boyfriend after all, even if it was hard for Sehun to say this out loud, above that he had seen him shirtless already. Leaving the bathroom, Sehun could already smell the scent of toast and coffee, making him realise how hungry he actually was.

What he could see when he had reached the kitchen made Sehun smile wide to himself, Luhan stood with his back towards the door but Sehun could already figure out which sweater he was wearing. He couldn’t quite explain it but it was too adorable to watch how Luhan was that concentrated on the breakfast he was doing, silently singing to himself, that he didn’t seem to realise anything else. Also the fact that the sweater was slightly too big for him, was more than cute, in Sehun's eyes at least.

Luhan slightly jumped up when the younger placed his arms around his shoulders, hanging on his back, just to watch over his shoulder what he was doing. With a smile and a slight shaking of his head, Luhan ordered the younger to set the table. His smile grew even wider as he watched Sehun mutter along on the way to set the table anyway.

It was a quiet breakfast. The two boys discussed about what they would do today, remaining with the result to visit the fair, which visited their town annually.

Soon they were walking through the snowy streets, a smiling Luhan, holding hands with an overly excited Sehun. Like a child he was in total joy over the snow which had fallen during the night, as well as over the fact that they'd visit the fair together.
During their whole way, Luhan seemed to be drifted off into his thoughts, not paying much attention to his surroundings. Not even to Sehun who was trying his very best to get the elders attention now. After a few minutes of trying, Sehun was tired of it already. He simply shoved himself in Luhan's way, his lips connecting with the elder's. Finally it seemed to work because a light blush came creeping up his cheeks and Luhan now seemed to be snapped out of his thoughts. Sehun's expression now had changed into pouty and he glanced at the elder, his lower lip slightly pushed out. He did know that this look always made Luhan melt and just now it made him feel bad as he realized that he must have been ignoring the younger all this time. Swiftly he pecked Sehun's forehead before he apologized, promising to just focus on him now.

Sehun accepted the apology after a few seconds, yet he was nodding when he grabbed the elders hand again, listing what he wanted to do once they had reached their destination. Luhan would endlessly listen to Sehun talking. This was what he had wanted for so long. Sehun seemed truly happy. Besides at night when his nightmares were haunting him, he turned out to be a really sensitive and soft-hearted boy. Luhan still had no idea what the nightmares were about but he knew that when the younger was ready to tell him, then he would do that. He'd just have to be patient.
Luhan could feel the grip around his hand tighten when they arrived. Everything was really crowded and a lot of people were pushing past each other. Suddenly Sehun didn’t seem that confident anymore, the smile was gone and his eyes went kind of dull. Luhan could easily figure that reaction out. Fear. The younger immediately built his walls up again, shutting out any emotions, always being aware of showing that he could feel. Quickly Luhan stood on his tiptoes, leaning over to kiss the younger’s cheek.
With the promise that there was nothing to be afraid of as long as Luhan was by his side, Sehun lost a bit of his tension and again he nodded as in reply, they went through the entrance, the younger tightly gripping onto Luhan's hand as they made their way through the crowd.

The two boys stopped by at each and every stall, looking at all the different things that were sold. From time to time they earned unfriendly glares, making Luhan feel really uncomfortable. Not the fact that he was together with his boyfriend but the fact that there were still so many people who wouldn’t accept that, made him feel all gloomy, making him sad. Sehun soon realized the mood swing of his boyfriend, knowing what the cause was. He shot everyone a deadly glare who would want and try to give a comment on them or who just looked at them like they were some strange species. Soon no one would dare to give them judging glances anymore or even say out some comment. Though the elder's mood had dropped and Sehun couldn’t do anything, he just ended up apologizing. Something that Luhan didn’t want to hear at all. He told the younger to not ever apologize again for something like that. Never would he want to miss Sehun and those intolerant people wouldn’t change anything about that.
Sehun's cheeks soon turned a faint red, when he heard those words. A smile on both of their faces, they continued their walk, after they had exchanged a sweet kiss.

It had gotten dark so soon, none of them realised it until they found quite many stalls closing already. They'd have to hurry if they wanted to reach the supermarket before it would close already. They hade made up that they'd buy something for dinner on their way home, yet there were only twenty minutes left until they would stand in front of a closed grocery store. There was no choice but to run, so they did.
Panting like crazy they made it just in time to quickly grab a few things. Sehun didn’t even know what the elder was planning to cook for them but he was sure that it'd turn out well anyway.

Just after they had entered the mansion, Sehun threw off his shoes and jacket, plopping down on the couch. This had been a pretty stressful day to him, so many people at once and the running just now, he was simply exhausted. Not long after they finished their dinner, he was already asleep. Cuddled up next to Luhan who again seemed in thoughts, absentminded he softly curled the younger’s hair around his index finger. With a quiet sigh he got up from the couch, suppressing a yawn when he lifted Sehun up. His eyes narrowed as soon as he carried the extra weight of the younger. Quietly he groaned, slowly making his way up the stairs. Sehun was anything but heavy he was still a lightweight even though Luhan watched that he'd eat properly. But despite all that, the elder would have troubles to carry him. As soon as he had placed the younger in bed, he shuffled next to him under the covers, quietly he winced as if he was in pain when he leaned back. A sigh escaped from his lips when he shifted Sehun into his arms, before he closed his eyes and tried to catch some sleep as well.

Luhan had just fallen asleep when he was woken up again by a flailing and whining Sehun. Immediately Luhan was wide awake. Quick but yet careful he grabbed the younger’s shoulders, slightly shaking him as he repeatedly called out his name, attempting to wake him up. It took quite some time until the younger’s eyes were flung open, nothing but blank fear in his eyes as he looked around completely disorientated. As soon as he had spotted Luhan, he became calmer. The elder now pulled him in for a hug, his shirt growing a large wet spot when Sehun would let himself cry against Luhan's chest. Almost every night passed like that. Nightmares would cause Sehun to flail and cry until the elder would wake him up. As soon as he'd have orientated, Sehun would start to cry and Luhan would hug and comfort him until he blacked out again. Never before did the younger speak about what happened in his dreams. When just tonight he suddenly started to tell Luhan about what would happen in his dreams, night by night.


Actually I wanted to say thank you to all my readers. There are way way more people reading this than I expected to. Thank you so much for reading my story and for voting and commenting. I get so happy each time I see someone voted or commented on one of my stories ;w; You are such precious cuties keke. Also I am sorry that my update is again so late and so crappy >< (I think I really failed this one) I'll do better in the next chapter, I promise! 
I am so sorry for my grammatical mistakes /// I hope you'll continue to read my stories and love me uwu (Yeh I need to be loved ;w; ) I'll try to update sooner this time! Fighting! ^O^

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