Tense: Four

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The boat slowed as it neared the island of Anafi. Lucky Spencer had stayed in the cramped room with Nathan as long as he could. After their quick introductions and explanations, they sketched out a rudimentary plan of action. Most of it was based on timing and luck, something Nathan sent up a silent prayer would hold until he got to Maxie and Jamie. There was also the matter of Lucky Spencer.

He knew Maxie had a relationship with Lucky in the past but that was a long time ago. Despite the fact that he claimed to be on assignment with Interpol, Nathan didn't know the man or his skill set. But what else did he have? And it wasn't just not knowing him that was bothering Nathan. There was something Lucky wasn't telling him. Nathan wasn't going to insist on knowing, but there was another reason for Lucky Spencer's presence amongst the Cassidine henchmen.

Lucky tied his wrists again, leaving some slack for Nathan to wriggle out when the moment arrived. He disappeared for a few minutes, checking to see how close they were to docking. When he returned, he helped Nathan to his feet.

"I'll be right behind you. Keep those wrists close together as long as you can, got it?"

Nathan nodded. "What about the blindfold? Shouldn't you put that back on?"

Lucky shrugged. "I'll tell them you needed to be able to see to walk if they mention it. But I doubt they will. They're just collecting paychecks. The only one who might say something is Christine Donely."

"Look, about Christine-" Nathan began. Lucky cut him off with an indifferent wave of his hand.

"She's not your problem anymore. She's mine." He gave Nathan a hard look. And there was what Lucky hadn't said before. "I know she set you up. Interpol has been watching. What she did was terrible, Nathan, but we need her. She's valuable in more ways that you know. My job is to help you," he reminded Nathan. "And retrieve Christine Donely before Cassidine can do any harm. Or you," Lucky added pointedly.

Nathan scowled. "Just make sure to keep her out of my way."

"Don't worry about that."

The boat lurched to a stop under their feet and they exchanged a grim look. Nathan nodded and squared his shoulders, ready for what was to come. "Show time," he muttered.

"Right. Let's go," Lucky said. He drew a gun from the back of his waistband and pointed it at Nathan who gave him a narrow look. "Don't worry, it's just for show. I'm not planning on using it."

"That's reassuring,," Nathan muttered turning towards the door. They marched down the narrow hall to a short set of stairs, climbing them until they emerged topside. The sun had set and the last bit of daylight was fading. Lucky had his timing right at least. He waited for Lucky to emerge behind him before he moved any further. Christine was by the railing, staring at the island. She heard them approach and turned to look at them. Her eyes settled on Nathan, gazing at him sadly.

"Oh Nathan. It didn't have to come to this," she said inching towards him. She flicked a look at Lucky, lowering her voice. "Just say the word and I can get you out of this."

"What word? Tell you I love you? Not going to happen Christine."

"I know you don't love me," Christine muttered. "Yet."


"Don't be so stubborn. These men are just hired hands. They don't care about you. They care about money. I can pay them off and we can leave."

"What about my wife and my son?" Christine flinched as if he had slapped her.

"I don't care about them. I care about you! Valentin Cassidine wants to kill you. Not them."

Nathan shook his head. "Go to hell, Christine." Lucky shoved him from behind, making him stumble forward. He took it as a sign and pushed back against Lucky, using the momentum to stumble towards the railing. Lucky's gun clattered from his hand as he stumbled to his knees in front of Christine. She let out an annoyed bark to one of the other men on board, who scrambled to grab Lucky's gun.

"Someone secure him!"

He began twisting his wrists, loosening the cords binding him. One wrist was free. Another man appeared at Christine's side, ready to rush at him. At her feet, Lucky staggered to his feet and tripped into one of them, knocking him off balance. Distracted, Christine looked away for a moment. It was all that Nathan needed. He ripped the other restraint off and climbed over the railing, ready to jump into the Mediterranean waters.

"Nathan! Stop!" Christine screamed. He looked at her over his shoulder. She was holding the man with the gun back. "He'll shoot you, don't do it!"

He didn't respond. They could do what they wanted. He was getting off that boat one way or the other and he wasn't going to be led to Valentin as a prisoner. He flicked a quick glance at Lucky, who lifted his chin in agreement. Now or never. Nathan took a breath and pushed himself off the railing and into the water below as gunshots rang out behind him and Christine's scream echoed in his ears.   


Mariska returned less than an hour later. She opened the door, holding a finger to her lips as she furtively looked over her shoulder. Satisfied that no one was behind her, she entered the room carrying a set of keys. Robert got to his feet and held out his wrist to her. She obliged, unlocking him first and turning to Maxie with an apologetic look in her eyes.

"I could not bring baby," she said unlocking Maxie from her handcuff. "But I will give you these keys and you will get your baby?"

"Yes," Maxie replied taking the keyring. "I will. Thank you, Mariska."

Robert stepped forward, laying a kind hand on the woman's shoulder. "You should come with us. Cassidine will know you've helped us. I wouldn't like to see him hurt you too."

Mariska frowned at this, thinking. Whatever debate she had with herself was quick and she nodded in agreement. "Yes, and you will need me to watch over the baby."

"Good. Before we get out of here, tell us what we're getting into out there? How many of Cassidine's men are we going to run into?"

"Not many. Most of them have been sent out to look for the epikíndyni," she replied.

Maxie shook her head. "The epikíndyni? What is that?"

"The dangerous one," Robert answered for Mariska. "I think Nathan managed to escape from Cassidine's men. Come on, let's go get Jamie. We need to get out of here and find Nathan before Cassidine does." He motioned to Mariska. "Take us to the baby."

She nodded and went back to the door, opening it and peering beyond it. She motioned them forward and led the way down the hall. There were no other guards nearby but that could change at any moment. She stopped them in front of a heavy steel door and pointed at it. Maxie stepped up and began trying keys in the lock. She found the right one on the fourth try. Both women hurried into the room, returning a moment later with a sleeping Jamie and a bag of necessary things. Robert raised an eyebrow in question at it.

"In case baby needs to be quiet," Mariska said firmly.

"Right," Robert said with a quick nod. "Now. How the hell do we get out of here?"

"You follow me. No one minds the servants. We leave thru the kitchen. I will take you to my cousin's home. Baby and lady will be safe there."

"Baby will be safe there. Lady is going to with Robert to find epikíndyni," Maxie added firmly.

Mariska stared at her blankly and turned to Robert who only shrugged. "It is her husband after all. Now, let's go. Please." 

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