Would They Care If I Was Gone?!

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~Dahvie’s POV~

            Today Veronica and I are going shopping. Jayy finally came out of his room after like 3 days. If he didn’t I wouldn’t be going out today, it worries me leaving him here but he has his beautiful little Jayy smile back now. I’ve missed it, he’s finally getting back to the “normal” Jayy I know and love. Veronica was urging me to leave, I told her I would be right there and to go start the car. She left. “Jayy?” I called out.

            “YEAH!” Jayy answered and came to the door. “What?”

            “Nuffin, just wanted to say bye,” I said hugging him. “And stay out of trouble.”

~Jayy’s POV~

            “And stay out of trouble,” Dahvie said

            I hugged him back, knowing it was the last time I would ever hug my best friend. I kissed the top of his head, releasing him from my grip. “I’ll stay out of it Dahvie,” I said.

            “Good,” he replied.

            Before he left he got on his tippy toes and kissed my forehead, just barely. “Bye Jayy!”

            “Bye. Dahvie,” I said softly.

            I watched him and Veronica drive away, once I knew they were gone I ran up to my room. I knew I only had a few hours so I got to it. I put on my red cheetah print skinnies, and one of my leather vests, I’m going in style. I started writing one of my letters, it read:

Dear Mom,

            I’m sorry for the pain this is going to put you through. I’m sorry I wasn’t the perfect son. I reached my dreams though Ma, be happy. I had/got what I wanted, a movement of love. I just can’t deal with the pain anymore, I lost Daniel. No one else will love a boy with scars. So regret me not, Ma.

Love always,

            Jeremy “Jayy” Griffis <3

Dear Dahvie,

            I’m sorry I did this, I just can’t bare this pain any longer. I lost Daniel, I’ve lost my hope. I’ll always love you, you’re my best friend. I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment, I’m sorry for the pain this is going to bring to your sweet heart. Thank you for trying to help me, I was just not saveable. Don’t stop the making music or BOTDF, it’s your dream. Remember on love, one heart, BOTDF!


            The Jayy Von Phenomenon <3

            Lastly I tweeted to the fans:

            Thank you SGTC for being there for BOTDF and me. Love you all forever, this is my last tweet. Goodbye guys. <3

            …And send.

            I sat on my bed, I opened my night stand and took out my razor. It felt so good to the cold metal in my hands again, I placed it on my wrist. I slid the cold metal across my skin each cut numbing the pain more and more. I didn’t stop, I wanted death to come. I didn’t want to feel anything anymore. Soon enough I was dizzy, my arm covered in cuts and blood. Soon the light headed feeling came. The end was approaching, just as I hoped. I soon passed out from the blood loss, my body waited for death to come.

~Dahvie’s POV~

            I was sitting at McDonalds with Veronica, we were yet to buy anything because we were hungry. I had just I had just finished my burger and fries, so had Veronica. But I was checking twitter, I soon saw a tweet, something I was worried would happen if I left.  It was one of Jayy’s tweets. I got up grabbed Veronica by the hand and stared running towards the car. She didn’t say anything and got in. I quickly sped off towards home. “Babe, what’s wrong?” she asked.

            “Jayy,” was all I could say before crying.

            I reached the house, parked the car and ran inside. “JAYY?!” I called out.

            No answer, I ran upstairs to his room. I opened his door and saw him passed out in blood. I picked up his slim limp body, pulled him close to me and cried. Veronica came upstairs and I screamed to call 911.

            Before I knew it they were here I rode in the ambulance to the hospital. Veronica was meeting me there. We got there and they took the one I loved away. I sat in the waiting room, crying into Veronica’s shoulder. “Jeremy Griffis,” doctor called out.

            I shot up and walked over to the doctor. “You’re lucky you got there when you did. Or else your friend would’ve had no chance of living. Mr. Griffis lost a lot of blood and had to get several transfusions. And well you see Mr. Griffis is a coma and might not make it,” He said and I started to cry harder. “You may go see him if you like, he is in the intensive care unit in room 666.”

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