Choptrr Sex

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Scythe POV
I cant believe im getting married to Jeremy Miles Ferguson :)! I cannnot wait i am so excited :)! We are gettting married on May 10th :).
Out of nowhere, Andy came :). "hey scythe" he said :). "hey andy:)" I replied.
"I am soooooo drunk roight now" Andy sexily said to me :).
"We cant do this your with skielier doh :)"
"Who gives a shiet bbg i wanna frick"
and after said that he thrusts into my pink as salami pussy :). "MOTHER SHIT ANDY! CX" I WAS GUNNA CUM :) "squirt squirt im done" andy said :). "me too" i saod :-) . "dont tell skeiler" hebsid :). "okey" i said. THAT WAS AMAZE BALLZ SKEILIER IS SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSSOOSO
LUCKY SHE HAS A BF WITH AN ACTUAL PENIS (jinxx has a prosthetic dick) :).

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