(I) W e i r d.

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Hello, lovelies. I've never written an author's note before the chapter, so this is quite strange for me...

Anyway, enjoy xx




W e i r d.


His arm lifted slowly and almost effortlessly, and his hand suddenly came crashing down onto the snooze button of his alarm clock with a semi-loud thud, putting a stop to the excessive beeps. Something close to a growl tumbled from his lips, his voice deep and thicker than usual, due to just awakening. His joints were stiff and fingers swollen from sleeping, and his hair a disheveled mess, almost resembling a bird's nest. He was laying on his stomach, his arm dangling off the side of the mattress, and he buried his face into his pillow and inhaled deeply, preparing himself to get up.

Which would be whenever he received enough motivation.

He sighed, rolling onto his back, expecting to be staring at his ceiling, but he collapsed onto the floor. For a moment, it was as though he was flying- until he came in contact with the rough carpet beneath him. He winced and groaned in pain, lifting his body from where it was sprawled out on the floor when he heard a few raspy chuckles from the other side of the room. He saw Harry laying on his side with his eyes closed, an amused smile spread across his face as he lay in his bed across from Niall's.

"Shu'up," Niall mumbled, nearly incoherent as he shuffled around in attempt to get up, as he was still weak and sleepy.

He ran his hands over his face once he stood, and then pushed his hands toward the ceiling while lifting onto the tips of his toes, leaning back a bit until he felt satisfied enough with his stretching. He swung his upper body and arms from side to side, successfully popping his spine before he moved to work on his fingers, pulling, tugging, and pushing then in different directions, little cracks filling the air as some pressure was relieved from his hands and they felt somewhat looser.

He ran a hand through his hair and stumbled to the bathroom to start what would be another not-so-eventful day. He studied his reflection, inspecting what needed to be worked on. He grinned sleepily as he spotted a mop of wavy fringe and green eyes in the mirror behind him, making ridiculous faces. Niall rolled his eyes but continued to smile nonetheless before beginning to brush his teeth.

His wardrobe was more laid back, and suited his personality, to say the least.

He settled on a casual, simple outfit as he always did, styling his hair and adorning an award winning smile. Harry was gathering his bag when he came back into the room, so he slid his onto his shoulder and followed the taller boy out the door.

The campus included a large variety of smiling, laughing, and even quiet people scattered around. Niall spotted many familiar faces socializing with more familiar faces as they approached the set of picnic tables set around some smaller, yet full, trees set on a rather large portion of grass, a few leaves spread across the ground.

After purchasing a couple of simple muffins and a cup of coffee each, they settled into the same table they did every morning, following their daily routine. Niall sipped from his cup, the piping hot beverage burning his tongue, just like every morning.

"Did you finish the assignment?" Harry questioned from where he was seated across from Niall.

The sun was facing Niall, the light burning his eyes. It was times like these when he wished the picnic tables including umbrellas, but alas, they. sadly didn't.

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