(IX) S u g a r L i p s.

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S u g a r  L i p s.


     Louis had never been more shocked than he was in that moment.

    Not even the time he and Zayn had gone to a haunted house for Halloween and a creepy man with a chainsaw jumped out of nowhere and chases them for a solid ten minutes.

    He had only come along to spend some time with Niall and help the poor lad out, and despite his kindness, he expected to be kicked out as soon as possible.

    He surely didn't think that Niall would allow him to stay behind and read- much less on his bed, right next to him.

     And even more so than that, he really didn't expect to be kissed.

     By Niall.

    It lasted for less than ten seconds and he didn't even get the opportunity to kiss back due to the initial surprise of it all, but he did know that Niall's lips were like butter and it just felt really, really nice.

    Louis didn't think that Niall thought of him as anything more than a simple acquaintance. They weren't even friends, honestly (as sad as it was). They had talked quite a few times, but most of their conversations consisted of Louis flirting and Niall just nodding along.

     He certainly didn't believe Niall was the type to just surge forward and kiss someone without dropping any hints, but he definitely didn't mind.

    Once Niall had pulled away, his mind was buzzing, his heart was soaring, and the butterflies in his stomach were flapping around rather intensely.

    Excitement was coursing through him and hope was flooding his brain, a wide smile slowly spreading across his face until he heard a loud curse.

   "Shit," Niall whisper-shouted, furrowing his eyebrows in a perfect combination of disbelief and confusion. He was looking down at the bed, his eyes growing wider with each passing second.

    Louis patiently waited, the grin slipping from his face and the tips of his fingers padding against his thighs restlessly. He glanced around the room, humming under his breath.

    "That didn't happen," Niall finally concluded, looking up to Louis's face.

    "Um, hate to break it to you, sugar lips," Louis replied, tilting his head to the side. "But it did happen."

     Niall shook his head. "No, it did not."

    "It did, actually," he corrected him, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

    "I don't think so."

    "You can't just say something didn't happen when it did," Louis argued.

   "Can too."

    "That's not how it works."

    "Then I'll go back in time," Niall shrugged. "Change whatever it is that happened."

    Louis rolled his eyes and gave Niall an annoyed look. "You can't do that either."

    "Stop telling me what I can and can't do," Niall huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're not my mother."

"At least I know what I'm capable of," Louis scowled, murmuring under his breath. "Time travel. Yeah, okay."

It was then that Louis decided that only the two of them could have such a serious session of banter in a situation like this.

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