(V) C u t i e.

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C u t i e.


Louis Tomlinson had never been happier during the time of all of his college days, which honestly wasn't that large of a period of time, but in Louis' mind, it was still quite an accomplishment, especially due to the reason behind his happiness.

His crush, after getting to know Niall the slightest bit after that one day at lunch only yesterday, had definitely expanded. He couldn't believe how flawless the blonde has managed to appear to be while just munching on his lunch and chatting with friends (friend and two complete acquaintances, one that just so happened to have a stalker crush on him) on a completely normal day.

Hearing him speak and laugh while being so, so close to him drove Louis mad with giddiness, and he found himself swaying under the spell of pure, pure infatuation with the one and only Niall Horan.

He didn't exactly know what he expected from the situation, nor did he like to ponder on the thought for too long. He often pictured himself riding off into the sunset with his lover, laughing and soon enough snogging until it led to other things, and that would be the end of it. He didn't want to picture that everything would turn out sourly or bitterly or just straight out badly. Louis wasn't stupid- he knew for a fact that there was a chance he would never grow that close with Niall, that he wouldn't return his feelings. But Louis chose to be naïve towards the situation, as any normal boy would be.

Sometimes, when he imagined those fairytale endings, he would scold himself for being so incredibly gay until he realized that Niall himself liked gay and was gay, and then he felt okay, drifting off into a land of content sighs and gazing into the crystal blue eyes of his crush, even if he was a few picnic tables away.

He had found no other interest in anyone other than Niall since school began, and he was completely alright with that. The boy was certainly satisfying enough. Louis honesty didn't believe that he could force his eyes to look at any other male on campus, even if they were second most attractive.

Louis felt his arm slip from beneath his chin, hand falling against the table and elbow straightening out suddenly. His eyes widened for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what had just happened as his heart rate calmed, and he turned to glare at his best friend.

"What was that for?" he grumbled, annoyed.

Zayn rolled his eyes, slipping into the chair next to Louis and fetching a bag of candy from his bag. As he tore the pouch open, he looked to his best friend, shrugging.

"I dunno," he responded nonchalantly, popping a red piece into his mouth. "You were probably zoning out, the usual. Maybe you weren't. It's a force of habit, really."

Louis snatched a small ball of candy from Zayn's fingers, chewing shyly as he asked, "Do I really stare at him that much?"

When Zayn chuckled, Louis knew the answer, and he groaned, head collapsing onto a pile of books, his arms cushioning the fall. He didn't mean to look at Niall so often- he was just so, so pretty, with his soft, askew blonde hair and twinkling crystal blue eyes and fit body, meaning it was extremely hard not to do so and even more difficult to realize when you were indeed staring.

Louis assumed that he seemed creepy to poor little Niall, almost similar to a stalker or the creepy old lady that lives down the street from you and looks out of a telescope from the top window of his house- because Louis did have one of those. But at least he was in his classes and didn't spy on his shenanigans frequently- he just happened to admire his beauty and try to catch every single moment around him that he could.

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