Chapter Two

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The footfalls crescendoed quickly as she stood there, stunned. A voice barked and shouted, the sound of screams were also present.

It was heading her way.

Jay finally regained control, sprinting away from the source of the screams. She cut a corner, leaning her back against the wall. She panted heavily, gripping at her chest to stop the pain. She shouldn't have ran, but what would you expect?

Jay held her breath unintentionally, The voice a few feet from her. Being so close, she could distinguish two different voices. Now, in other situations she wouldn't eavesdrop on a conversation, but Jay needed to understand what and where she was at.

"Brook took most of the escapees back to their pod, but there's a few who haven't been captured, including..."

"Are you serious? Give me the clipboard."

There's a long pause, finally a soft hushed voice emerged.

"Rank 4045, Division: 5."

   "Yes, sir. I'm predicting that it wandered out of its pod."

   "You got to be kidding me! We just got it into captive, and it escaped?"

   "Well y-yes, but-"

"Under who's surveillance?"

"Mine, sir. I can assure you th-"

   A loud whack split the air; Jay flinched.
A wail of pain pierced her ears as she shut her eyes, afraid of the coming footsteps.

   "You fucking idiot. That thing can kill all of us! Assuring isn't gonna save you..."

   What's this thing? Does it kill?!

"I want you to find and execute it as soon as possible. " the man firmly exclaimed. Jay could feel his presence, his breath colliding with hers. The air left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Jay slowly opened her eyes, discovering the man a few inches beside her. She gasped, only a slight whine creeping out. The man didn't notice her though, he was more occupied with something else.

"Get up, and stop crying. You better find it before Dr. Harrow gets a hold of you. Or better yet, 4045..."

With that, he trotted away, leaving the man lying on the floor. Jay was scared to move, dare even breathe. She whipped her head, peeking to see who this man is. The male had a black outfit on with a bullet proof vest and combat boots. He laid still in the middle of the hallway, his breathing quiet.

Jay couldn't see the man's face due to his helmet, but she could tell he had a hand gun strapped to his holster.

Jay stepped out of her hiding place, puffing out her chest. "Hey!" She shouted, a stinging sensation condensing at her throat. She immediately held her neck, sucking in a breath. Why does her throat hurt so much?

The guy raised his head, facing Jay for a longing period. Shock seemed to really overwhelm him, he was frozen. Finally, he spoke. "You talk," he said, eyes locked with hers. Jay blinked, clearing her throat. "W-where am I? What is this place?" Jay could feel a bit of anger rise, but she advised herself that wouldn't be the best approach.

   He looked away, his mind somewhere else. He appeared to be processing something. "So you don't remember anything..?" Jay shook her head. "No, I don't. I just remember my name, Jay..."

   She picked her hands up to examine every speck of it. From her knuckles to her nails were different and foreign. It was a scary thought to come true. Something caught her eye though, a black smug on her wrist.

   While Jay was preoccupied, the man rose to his feet. He slowly crept towards Jay, keeping his hands high.

   "Listen, I don't want to hurt you. I know you're scared and alone, but you're not. I can help you, alright?"

   Another step closer.

   He was closing the gap separating them.

   "My name's Eddy. You might not remember, but we're trying to help you..."

   Jay further ignored the man, still studying her wrist with curious eyes. The smug became clearer in Jay's foggy mind. They were numbers embedded into her skin with black ink. They read, "4045"

   Jay stared back to reality, facing the man who was trying to 'help' her. She felt her anger bubble inside, crawling up to the tip of her tongue.

   "You liar..." He held his stance, blinking in confusion. The realization hit him quick and hard. Without any thought, he went for his hand gun, lunging.

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