Chapter One

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   Jay couldn't feel anything. There was a boundary between being numb and being paralyzed; she couldn't tell which was which. She must've been alive though, it wasn't long before she had sensation in her limbs again.

   She wiggled her fingers, her nails clanking to a hard surface. A ripple of shivers erupted up Jay's spine as she felt the air, it was bitter cold. She opened her eyes, squinting at the sudden light beaming down upon her.

   She sat up, quickly regretting that decision. It was as if there was a force pressing against her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She yelped, letting out a shallow sob. It hurt, a hurt she never felt before, but feels so familiar.

   Taking a deep breath, Jay adverted to her surroundings. The room appeared bleak in general. She was on top of a panel with nothing else  but a red button and a metal door across from her.

   Jay glanced at her outfit; she was wearing a hospital gown. There was a small thought that creeped in her mind that this was a hospital, but what hospital would have nothing in the room?

   Suddenly, the lights lightly flickered for a few seconds before turning back to normal again. Jay frowned; this has to be a nightmare, right?

   She landed her feet to the tile floor, staggering to keep her balance. She wobbled her way to the door, it was the only thing she could interact with.

   After a couple of steps, a loud bang vibrated throughout the room. The lights pulsated before fluttering off, creating a wave of fear in Jay.

Jay wasn't one to like the dark. It tied with many of her fears, including being helpless and alone. Being in a situation where you wake up in a unknown place and with no predictions to where this place even is, it's terrifying.

A soft hiss of the door glides open, revealing a dark hallway with bright red emergency lights blinking rapidly. The sound of a alarm rattled in Jay's ears, making her head dizzy. She stepped into the hallway, glad that she wasn't in there anymore.

Without a warning, the sirens evaporate and the emergency lights formed back to their original lighting. Jay sighed, at least that was over. The door behind her slid back closed, locking in place.

   Jay didn't like this. This didn't seem to be a hospital. It was too quiet to be anything relevant to a medical facility.
She began to walk throughout the hallway, examining every aspect of this building. If this wasn't what she thought it was, it had to be worse.

   Her footfalls rang with each step, it was as if it never stopped ringing. Jay was getting tired of all the same structures. Each side of the hallway had doors that alined symmetrically with another, numbers being imprinted on the side of each room.

She approached one and blinked. It was sudden, but she felt it. Jay couldn't explain it; she felt a ping in her heart. Jay ignored it, continuing to walk.

   After about five minutes, she was becoming discouraged. There was no trace of life around, but why are there then so many doors?

   Suddenly, Jay tensed up. Her eyes widened as she stiffed in place.

   She heard another person's footsteps.

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