Chapter Three

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   Jay dodge a bullet, literally. She swiftly ducked and pulled herself to the side, Eddy landing flat on the ground. She coughed, the sudden movement being too much. He reeled back up and pulled the trigger once more, hitting the wall behind Jay.

   Her body felt different. She's only been awake for an hour or so, but since then, she hadn't felt this sensation. Was it true fear, or just anger? Sadness, happiness?

Eddy steadied, throwing a punch at her. She went flying back, hitting the floor with a thud. Jay's heart pounded as Eddy headed towards her, the boots making a soft clink.

   He pulled at her hair, bringing  a knife to her neck. It pricked at her skin; she couldn't breathe. He stayed in that position, Jay could see the bright gash where the other man lashed at him.

   "Look, I'm not a killer. I don't want to do this, but it's the commissar's order." He raised his knife high above his head, ready to strike. This was Jays time to take action.

   She shoved her elbow into his face, his knife falling out of his hand. He screamed as it slid across the floor, gliding to a stop. Her eyes turned to the hand gun which was sprawled on the ground. As Eddy saw it too and attempted to reach for it, Jay grabbed it, latching her finger onto the trigger.

   He gazed at Jay, fear overwhelming his mind. She lifted the firearm, pointing the end of the barrel at Eddy. A streak of blood ran down his nose, he was on the other end of the stick this time.

"I want answers. I need answers, now!" There was a stampede of voices coming from the end of the hall, but Jay didn't budge. Fear peaked from her eyes, she took in a shaky breath.

"Take me with you."


"I don't want to get caught by them! You know what they'll do to me..."

To be honest, Jay didn't even know what 'they' was, or what 'they' would to her. It made her mind shiver.

Eddy's eyes softened, his ears peeking at the guards approaching. They'll be here any minute now. "Please, please," she pleaded. She had tears brimming in her eyes, her whole body quivered. He stared at Jay, grimacing.

With a deep sigh, he cursed under his breath and rose to his heels. Jay jumped back, slightly startled. She didn't know whether he would give in or give a whack at her.

"Come on, follow me."

He reached out to Jay, holding his hand out for her. She grew hesitant, the gun pointed high at his forehead. Eddy shook his hand in anticipation. "This time, I mean it." Jay lowered her aim, puzzled. She then nodded, clasping her hand with his. They both ran away, the guards catching up to them.

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