Living Means Moving On

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   Disasters. You're crouched down sitting on your couch holding your head down. You feel powerless, and depressed. You feel like it's the end of the world, and that things will never change. You feel like your only option is to give up.
   Let's go a little backwards, shall we? Think about why you're feeling this way. Could it be something about; relationships, family, friends, your job, school, or just yourself? Could you have lost something you feel like you can't live without? Or do you feel that your life is going in the wrong direction? Are you scared, hopeless, or angry? Think about it.
   Now that you've diagnosed your problem, tell me, could it be worse? Do you feel like the problem that you have is worth hurting yourself for? By hurting I mean making yourself feel this certain way. Of course then you'd ask, "Well, what else am I supposed to do?". There are many ways to guiding yourself in the right direction, even if you feel that you're going backwards. One thing you can do is to stand up and spread out your body the widest you can spread. Open up your arms and touch the sky. Release the tension in your body that is being created by these devilish functions. Make yourself feel powerful. Think about superheroes in movies. Are they powerful because they have powers? Or are they powerful because they have potential? Super man flies in the air with his arms stretched out like a cat. Wonder Woman always has her fists on her hips wide open. Spider-Man is always climbing up buildings and spread out like a spider. These heroes are heroes because they have emotional strength in order to do those things. Sure, you could have super powers and do anything. But, it matters on how you use them.
   Now that you're up and standing, another thing you can do is breathe. Breathing is the number one thing to do to keep your body cycling. It's almost like pulling down a page on your phone, causing it to refresh. By doing so, take a deep breath in, and hold it for 3 seconds, then release. Let your body refresh itself into a new one.
   I'd say the most important thing to do in these situations is to talk to someone. Communication is the number one key to expressing your emotions. It's almost like filling a cup, but when it becomes too full, it overflows. Stop pouring into that cup and take a sip. Drink that cup until it is empty. Express yourself. Although some may have a hard time doing so, but the only way to make something easier, is to keep doing it.
   Now, what you might think is a disaster, might not actually be a disaster. Ask yourself this question, "What's a real disaster?". I'll make it easy and answer it for you. A real disaster would have to be tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, avalanches, and anything that could actually kill you. You're there reading this and you know what? You're okay. You're breathing, you're alive, and you're safe. That's all that matters.
   The next time you feel a certain way about something for too long, always ask yourself that question. I assure you, 99% of the time it's not a real disaster. This beautiful world that we live in wouldn't be real to you if you weren't here to see it for yourself! Living means moving on. Good luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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