chapter two - Zeus and the great flood

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humans were becoming more and more horrible by the day and Zues got angry at them all one day he decided to demolish them all, and Promethus the titan who made mankind - was warned of the flood that zues was going to use to distroy mankind, Prometheus then warned his son Deucalionas well as his wife Pyrrha. they were put in a wooden chest in which they lived until the flood, that lasted nine days and nine nights, the only parts of earth that wern't touched by the flood was mount Parnassus and mount Olympus, the chest landed on mount Parnassus and Promethus and his son and wife found their world deststroyed. they waited for the water to go away and when it did they were horrified by the the dead bodies of all the people and animals that littered the earth. Deucalionas and Pyrrha thanked the gods having been saved, zeus told them to cover their heads and throw the bones of their mother behind them. Pyrrha didn't understand, saying they only had each other and that her mother did not come with them in the chest. Deucalionas understood, and threw some stones behind him, the stones were mother Earth's bones. from the stons that Deucalionas threw, the next race of humans were born and these people repopulated the Earth

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