Chapter 6: A Good Samaritan

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((Lilah: Disclaimer! I'm giving MC the name MacKenzie in this story since the term MC can then serve as a nickname sort of thing.

Unknown: Wow, MacKenzie is TOTALLY a Korean name.

Lilah: Shut up, Saeran! I didn't ask you. Besides, what do you truly know about MC anyways? She could have one Korean parent and one parent from another country where a name like MacKenzie is common! How do ya like them apples?

Unknown:...This isn't even worth arguing about.

Unknown has left the chatroom

Lilah: Heh, no one tells me how to write my stories. ))

As a soft groan escaped her lips, Amy's eyes fluttered open and she glanced around the room.

"What is this place? Where am I? Wait, that's right; this is Zen's room."

As the events of the previous night resurfaced in her mind, the weight of the world settled on Amy's shoulders, pushing her back down into the bed as she leaned on the headboard for support. Raising her hand to brush her fingers against the bruises on her face, Amy flinched as a sharp, tingling pain shot through her swollen cheek. Tears involuntarily started slipping down her face as she hugged her knees to her chest and curled up into a shivering ball.

"I've lost everything. I lost my hard work, my sister, my home. What am I going to do?!?!"

As she sobbed and hugged her arms tighter around herself, she failed to notice the click of the doorknob or the steady thumping of feet entering the room. It was only when she was enveloped in a pair of strong, comforting arms that she realized she was no longer alone.

"Shh, it's okay, Amy. Everything's going to be alright." Zen cooed, rubbing soothing circles on her back and giving her gentle squeeze.

"Zen, my entire life has fallen apart. What do I do? I don't have any money or clothes or shelter. I have nowhere else to turn." Amy whimpered, gripping onto the actor's shirt. "I just want this all to be a bad dream."

Zen's heart wrenched painfully as he stared down at his friend's trembling form. "Well, what about your mom? Can't you go to her?"

"She lives over 6000 miles away, Zen. If running to her was an option, I would've done it a long time ago."

"I see. Well, you can stay here as long as you need. I don't mind."

Amy wiped her eyes and looked up at him with a grateful smile. "Zen, thank you. You've been so kind to me even though we met less than a week ago. I don't know how to repay you."

"The only payment I need is seeing you happy and smiling." Zen cooed as he tucked a loose strand of snowy hair behind Amy's ear. Immediately, Amy started blushing profusely, but the dim light in the room prevented Zen from noticing. He did, however, see the massive bruises glaring up at him from her cheek. Frowning, he gently touched one in and immediately pulled away when a painful hiss escaped Amy's lips.

"You stay here. I'm going to go get you some ice, breakfast, and painkillers." he said as he rose to his feet and hurried from the room.

Sighing, Amy allowed her body to relax and slid back underneath the comforter on the bed. Glancing at the tv mounted on the wall directly across from her, she grabbed the remote off of Zen's bedside table and turned the it on. Some simple yet satisfying comedy or the chipper prattling of a chef on the cooking channel was sure to distract her from her troubles. However, what popped up on the screen made her blood run cold instead.

"Continuing our story from yesterday, we have new information on celebrity Zen's romantic rendezvous that occurred a few days ago." the reporter babbled with an excited, red-lipped smile. "The woman Zen was with has been identified as Amethyst Grace Hall, daughter of wealthy businessman Chul Hall. Since the incident, however, she has gone off the radar. Mr. Hall has refused to answer any questions regarding the matter. In other news, eyewitness accounts tell us the duo were also spotted interacting at a party set up by a local charity the day before-"

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