Chapter 12: Mischief and Migraines

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When her eyes opened, a sharp wave of pain shot through her skull, causing her to clamp them shut again. Moaning, she blindly felt around the mattress, searching for her phone but she wound up smacking a slumbering Zen in the face instead.

"What are you doing?" Zen mumbled through her hand, opening one eye to shoot her a question look.

"Looking for my phone." Amy replied.

"With your eyes closed?"

"Yep. Now give me a hand."

Frowning, Zen scanned the sheets with his scarlet eyes till they landed on the desired object.

"Found it." he said, reaching out and grabbing the device.

"Good. Now give it here."

Zen's frown deepened. "Open your eyes first."

Groaning in annoyance, Amy slowly forced her eyelids apart only to slam them together again as the same sharp pain clawed at her brain, rousing a whimper from her threat as her hand rose to caress her throbbing head.

"Just as I suspected; you have a migraine. I think I'll be holding onto this for a while." Zen said as he stood up from the bed.

"Don't be ridiculous, Zen. Give me my phone!" Amy protested as she struggled to sit up, opening one eye to glare at him.

"No. You need to rest. I think I'll be taking this too." Zen stated, snatching up Amy's laptop as well.

"No! Zen, give it back! I still haven't finished all of my work!" Amy exclaimed, crawling to the edge of the bed and making a wild grab for her computer.

"My first concern is your health, not your grades. Now lay back down and don't get up. I'll be back in a moment with some tea and pain medicine." Zen replied before tucking her laptop under his arm and swiftly exiting the room.

"Zen, get back here, you twit!" Amy grumbled as she tried to stand up but a ferocious wave of dizziness sent her falling back onto her bed. Groaning, she mustered up just enough strength to crawl beneath the warmth of the covers and allowed her head to drop back onto the fluffy pillow. As she stared blankly at the ceiling above, Amy found her fingers drumming anxiously against the mattress.

"Ugh, this is ridiculous. I could be finishing so much work right now but instead I'm stuck lying here, being completely unproductive. I have to get my work done or it's just going to continue to pile up and the next thing I know I'm going to be drowning in work-"

Another sharp throb interrupted Amy's thoughts as she moaned in pain.

"I don't have time for this. I have to get my work done, regardless of how I feel." she mumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose in an attempt to ease the pain she felt. After casting a quick glance at the door, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and shakily stood up. Once her legs stopped trembling, she shuffled as fast as she could out of the room and down the hall, carefully watching and listening for any signs of Zen.

"Hmm, it sounds like he's in the kitchen. He probably has my stuff in there with him." Amy reasoned as she tiptoed towards the kitchen doorway. Sure enough, as she stealthily snuck into the room, Amy's eyes immediately landed on her phone and laptop as they sat quietly on the counter just behind Zen. Biting her lip, Amy ducked back into the hallway and leaned against the wall for suppout as she tried to think of a plan.

"Should I try distracting him with something? No, he's too smart for that. I guess my only option is to try and take it while he isn't looking. Easier said than done, of course." she thought to herself. Taking a deep breath, she snuck another glance into the kitchen to see Zen twirling his ponytail around his finger as he waited for he waited for the water in the tea kettle to come to a boil. Holding her breath to reduce any unnecessary noise, Amy took one cautious step into the kitchen, followed by another and another. Stretching out her hands, Amy carefully wrapped her fingers around the edge of the laptop and quietly lifted it into the air; however, at that exact moment, the tea kettle decided to give a loud scream, causing Amy to yelp in surprise and drop her laptop and phone with a thud. Whirling around, she tried to sprint for the door but a strong arm quickly wrapped itself securely around her waist and lifted her into the air.

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