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The next day I got up and threw up in the toilet like usual. I fed the cats and made sure they had water, then I pulled on a pink dress with lace from Forever 21 and a flower crown with pastel blue roses. I was gonna wear dresses and tight things for as long as I can still. I pulled a black jacket over myself, because we can't show shoulders, and I pulled on some skinny jeans since I am definitely not allowed to show my legs with a dress, since I'm not a girl.

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After school I had an appointment with an OBGYN, he would explain how I am pregnant and will help me with things I should do, I will also get my first scan and I'll get to see the tiny thing in me

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After school I had an appointment with an OBGYN, he would explain how I am pregnant and will help me with things I should do, I will also get my first scan and I'll get to see the tiny thing in me. I would wish for someone to come with me, but Ainslie has a date with this girl named Jessica who she swears looks like Ruby Rose, and Niall is well you know, he'd never come.

I double checked that all the lights were turned off, then I waited outside till Ainslie pulled up and got in the car with her. "How are you?" Her thick Scottish accent rain through the car.

"I'm fine." I smiled at her. "If you need anything while at school, just text me. But don't text me after 5, unless it's an emergency." She pulled into the driveway. "I will, should I tell Cordi and Louis?"

"They have their own stuff to deal with, so I suggest not. Especially since Louis will 100% tell someone and it'll spread like wildfire. Until you start to show, say nothing about it." She advised, she was right, I didn't need to add stress on their lifes, I mean they are having twins of their own, and them knowing about this will stress them out, especially since they understand how I am financially. It was better to keep quiet.

We got out of the car and went inside, I acted like everything was normal, cause it was. I went to all the teachers and got the work I missed, I made up a lie telling them I was out with the flu and still have some of the symptoms, incase I need to get up during class and be sick in the toilet, cause of the baby. I was planning on doing all the work after the OBGYN and hopefully having it done by the morning, I was a fast worker so it shouldn't be too hard. 

I started walking to my locker till I saw Niall, he was standing right next to my locker and was talking to Liam and some other guy. I watched as Liam walked off and the guy, who was ginger with a quiff and a bit of a ginger beard, was pushed against MY locker by Niall and they started making out. I felt heart broken, I was carrying his child and he was snogging someone else. I turned around, forgetting about my books and needing to put these papers away. I walked into the boys restroom and went in a stall and shut it then I locked it and started to cry.

I couldn't believe Niall was doing this, he knew that was my lock, he had to be doing it on purpose. I heard someone come in the restroom and heard heavy breathing and someone being pushed into the stall next to me. I didn't know I had to get out till I heard Niall moaning "Shane" and I got up and ran out, I ran to my English class and sat down. I played with my hands and looked at myself in the phones camera, I quickly wipes my tears. I looked at my stomach and whispered to it, "It's going to be okay baby, we don't need him."

School continued that day, it was long and all the classes I was with Niall in, Shane was in too. They sat in the back and made out in each class, they would hold hands in the hall. I know Niall set it up like that, I know he wanted me to see what I was missing out on. But I had to be stronger than that for this child.

I got in the back of Ainslie's car, she got in with her date Jessica, and I didn't say and word. I just stared at the car ground while my heart was breaking. "Harry are you alright?" I heard Ainslie ask. "Yeah why?"

"we've been at the OBGYN for 15 minutes you weren't responding." I looked at her "Oh, sorry." I smiled softly then got out, I went into the office and checked my name in. After about 15 minutes, I was called into a room, the nurse took my blood pressure and looked at my height and weight, then she left and my mid wife took me to a different room. there was a bunch of baby pictures on the wall, there was one impaticular I saw that said "Happy Family" which had different families. All of them had a child  and they had ones with two dads, or two mums, or a mum and a dad, and one with just one mum or one dad. It made me feel better. I could make this child have a happy family even on my own. I laid on the bed. "I'm Mrs. Fox, I will be you mid wife and I'll be here for everything you need with this baby. This is my first male pregnancy, I do know some who have dealt with it but I haven't, I am going to look closer on you and the baby, but I am still going to treat it like any regular pregnancy unless I find something different I need to do. I will give you a list of food and drinks you need to avoid, and the paper will also have some apps and websites you can use to track your pregnancy. Now lets go ahead and see the babies. This will be cold."

She took the gel out and pulled my dress up then rubbed it on my stomach. Then she put the scanner on their, and to my surprise, there were two dots, not just one. "Oh, that's weird."

"What's weird? Is the baby okay?" I looked at her worryingly.

"The babies are fine."


"There's two heartbeats not just one, it looks like you are having twins."

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