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So this is the "last chapter" I'm afraid but there is an epilogue still to come

Harry's POV

I woke up to the babies crying; me and Niall made a deal once I got healed, that he'd take care of them during the night and I take care of them during the day when he's working. I noticed that Niall wasn't in bed, and got up, quickly going to the nursery to tend to the babies needs.

I was usually upset when he was gone in the mornings, but sometimes he has to start caddying at 6am.

I took the babies to the living room and sat them in their walkers and turned on peppa pig; then I grabbed an apple and sat down and watched as they giggled at the shower and ate my apple.

Once I was finished I took them out and laid them on their tummies so they can have some tummy time. I checked my phone and scrolled through apps; I was pretty bored. I put my phone away and picked out a book and read a bit till the babies started crying so I got some bottles that Niall had made last night and fed them both.

I was not expecting Niall to come inside; it was only 12pm. But the door opened and he walked inside and shut it and I gave him a smile. "Do you and the babies wanna go get food?" My heart beat sped up; it always did when his aqua orbs landed on me.

I stood up and nodded, "Let me just go get some clothes on."

I went into the bedroom and pulled on a black laced dressed, then quickly did my make up and went outside, "Where's your flower crown?"

"I don't really have one that matches this outfit." I felt a smirk come on my face as my face heated up; I forget how much he loves my flower crowns. He went into the bedroom then came back out with a flower crown with some dark blue lillies.

"I bought this for you and forgot that I had it." I smiled widely at him; he actually bought me something. I went back in the room and made sure my hair was near before placing the crown on my curls.

I went back out and picked up Maya as he grabbed Atticus. The boy smiled at his dad, they both loved him as much as I do and I know it's made him softer; I couldn't ask for more.

We strapped the babies into their car seats, then I got in the passenger and he got in the drivers seat. I saw him text someone on his phone then he looked at me and gave me a light peck.

"Do you want Chinese?"

"Yeah that sounds good to me." He gave me a light smile; he seemed nervous, but I wasn't sure why.

He pulled up to a nearby Chinese restaurant; we took the kids and went in, the smell of fried rice hitting my nose making my stomach feel empty.

Niall got us a table and we went and sat down and sat the babies next to us in their car seats since they're too small for a highchair.

"So what you've been doing today?" He looked at me.

"You know taking care of the babies, reading. Nothing much." I smiled at him and he smiled back making me feel warm and mushy inside. I grabbed the diaper bag which I set on the floor and gave Maya and Atticus a stuffed bunny to fondle with so they don't freak out from not having me or Niall holding them; it would also send them to sleep pretty quick.

"Sounds interesting." He reached over the table to grab my hand, a waiter came up and asked for our drinks and we both ordered some cokes then he walked away. I looked at the menu till I heard Maya start to cry and looked over to see she dropped her bunny. I picked it up and gave it back to her, giving her a small tickle making her giggle; as Niall observed me. I quickly gave her a kiss on the head then looked back at Niall who had such a goofy grin which made me let out a small chuckle.

The waiter came with our drinks and I ordered some fried rice with orange chicken, he quickly left then Niall started to have a worrying look on his face again. "What's wrong Ni?"

"Nothing's wrong Haz, just thinking." He sighed and took hold of my hand again, rubbing circles on it.

Once the food got here we ate but there wasn't much talking; I just asked him how work went and he said it went okay. I felt my heart drop; what's he planning on doing?

When we finished we got up and took the babies to the car and got in. "I just have one stop to make before we go back home." He smiled and started driving.

The drive felt like hours; I wasn't sure where we were going but it was way farther south. "Niall, what are you doing?"



"Somewhere." He let out cheekily, he sounded nervous and a bit happy. Which made me feel better; my nerves leaving.

We were getting closer and closer to the sea, the ocean looked beautiful and soon he parked near a town. Outside was a couple buildings; holding some cafes or shops. Then I noticed that there were builders walking out of one of the shops; the sign wasn't lit up on it and I couldn't make out what it said. "We're here." Niall said getting out, me following his actions. We grabbed the babies and started walking in to the building that the workers just walked out of.

My heart sped up, my face was so heated up yet I felt cool. I knew I was smiling really wide, as I looked around the building; pastel pink walls coloured around, there were three rooms; one said for employees which I assumed was a kitchen, the other was a bathroom but the one that caught me was a door with a label that read "cats only" and a small cat door at the bottom of it.

"C'mon." Niall said, pulling me into the kitchen. There were a couple people there, food was aligned on the counter. I looked around and made out one of the faces as Cordi and smiled at my best friend. "Harry; this is your cat bakery." I was amazed, there were stairs at the back entrance that lead to the next level of the building. I quickly hugged Niall, saying thanks; a bit too much. Then I hugged the other workers giving Cordi a tighter squeeze then what I gave everyone else. I turned back to Niall, "You did this for me?"

"Yes I did babe. With a little help from my mum and Cordi and Louis of course." I felt a small squeal comes out as I kissed Niall, we pulled away and he gave me another cheesy grin, "that's not all though come on let's go upstairs." He said giving the babies to two of the staff.

I followed him up the stairs, there was another door which we went through and I was shocked. The walls were a sweet vanilla colour with another set of stairs at the far entrance leading to what I could spot as 5 doors. In front of me were two doors and there was a big couch sitting in the corner with a TV, a coffee table in front and a lot of other things.

Then I saw a small box, Niall went over and grabbed it and went over to me and got on one knee

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Then I saw a small box, Niall went over and grabbed it and went over to me and got on one knee.

I felt myself almost cry as he opened it showing a shiny ring, "Harry, will you do the honour of making the Styles-Horan business complete by being my husband?" I nodded, I couldn't let any words out this was all so much. He quickly slid the ring on my finger and I kissed him again; giving another look around at my new home. Where I'll be with my new fiancé and my babies.

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